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Ask the Pros: Your Guide to Oklahoma City Mosquito Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 1, 2024

The warmer months of the year tend to see mosquito activity at its peak, especially at dusk. If you’re seeking relief in Oklahoma City, you’re not alone.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Believe it or not, only female mosquitoes tend to bite humans and animals. Mosquito egg development requires the protein and iron found in blood, so when a mosquito bites, they’re seeking blood with which to feed its offspring. In order to feed, female mosquitoes use their proboscis—a specialized mouthpart—to pierce the skin and reach blood vessels. As they bite, mosquitoes inject their saliva into the skin, which triggers the itchy and uncomfortable allergic reactions so commonly associated with mosquitoes.

Why Should I Be Concerned About Mosquitoes in Oklahoma City?

During dawn and dusk from late spring to early fall, mosquitoes come out in swarms to feed. The resulting itchy bites can quickly turn an enjoyable day into an uncomfortable one. Beyond the irritation, mosquito bites can also spread disease. The only way to avoid these diseases are to avoid mosquito bites altogether, and that is only possible if you have a strong mosquito control plan in place. 

What Are the Most Common Mosquito-Borne Illnesses?

Every time you are bitten by a mosquito, you run the risk of contracting a mosquito-borne illness, including:

  • West Nile Virus: Though most cases are mild or asymptomatic, some people who are infected with West Nile may experience severe neurological complications.
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE): While EEE is not nearly as common as West Nile, it is significantly more dangerous. Around 30% of infected individuals die, and many others will experience lifelong neurological complications. 
  • Zika Virus: This disease is most concerning for those who are expecting, as infection can cause severe birth defects in unborn children. 
  • Heartworm: Thousands of dogs are diagnosed annually with heartworm, which attacks the vascular system and may cause breathing difficulties for your pet. 

How Can I Reduce the Risk of Mosquito Bites at Home?

Our years of experience, combined with information from the Center for Disease Control, have helped us develop what we call our 7 T’s of Mosquito Control

  1. Tip out containers that may be collecting rainwater outdoors.
  2. Toss any yard debris promptly.
  3. Turn over anything with the potential to collect water when not in use, like sandboxes.
  4. Tarps should be taut so as to prevent becoming a source of standing water.
  5. Take care to perform regular maintenance in your home’s outdoor areas, including clearing gutters and keeping grass mowed.
  6. Team up with neighbors so that they understand the risks of leaving standing water around. 
  7. Treat your yard with help from the professionals at Mosquito Squad. 

Where Can I Find Professional Mosquito Control in Oklahoma City?

We offer two effective ways to keep mosquitoes at bay on your property. Both of these solutions can reduce mosquito populations by up to 85-90% for up to three weeks of application. The first option is our traditional barrier protection spray, which can help protect against other pests like ticks in addition to mosquitoes. Our second option is a natural spray, made with ingredients such as geraniol, citronella, and oil of lemon eucalyptus, all known for their mosquito-repelling properties.

We recommend treating your yard every two to three weeks to maintain control over mosquitoes. You can also “set it and forget it” with help from our automatic misting systems. Additionally, if you're planning an outdoor event, ask about our special event sprays which can help make your gathering more comfortable for your guests.

Why Should I Hire Mosquito Squad for Oklahoma City Mosquito Control?

Mosquito Squad is a reliable provider of effective mosquito control that will allow you to experience your home in comfort without needing to worry about the potential for mosquito-borne disease. We deliver our treatments with exceptional customer service, backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee (terms and conditions apply). A free quote is waiting for you - you can claim it today when you call (405) 792-0230 or contact us online

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