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How Does Our Mosquito Barrier Treatment Provide Protection And Fun For Everyone This Summer?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 6, 2014

When applying our mosquito barrier treatment, we see our work providing two important elements for customers.  First, it’s important we provide you with the most effective protection against mosquitoes.  We also know the protection we provide is for more than just you.

We know you want your yard free of mosquitoes.  In addition, you also want your family, children, pets, as well as guests who visit your home, protected from mosquitoes.  You are our customer but so is everyone who enjoys your yard.

The protection we provide begins prior to applying our mosquito yard treatment.  We will discuss with you how to make your yard unsuitable to mosquitoes.  We will point out any deep piles of leaves, places where wood may be piled up, areas where thick brush can be trimmed, etc.  All of these areas are where mosquitoes like to hide during the day.  When Mosquito Squad of Westchester NY uses its mosquito yard treatment, reducing these hiding areas makes our treatment much more effective in eliminating mosquitoes.

Our mosquito protection program for Westchester County NY provides an invisible barrier around your property.  Our trained, licensed, professional applicators know mosquitoes.  Each of our technicians knows where mosquitoes like to hang out during the day.  When misting your yard, their experience lets them see your yard as a mosquito sees it.  When mosquitoes are exposed to our mosquito control treatment, it eliminates them.  The same barrier treatment we use for mosquitoes also eliminates ticks on your property, providing everyone in your yard additional protection.

Mosquito Squad of Westchester County helps protect those you love from mosquito-borne illnesses.  Our barrier treatment is even more effective when used season long.  For New Yorkers, late May through early fall is mosquito season.  When our weather is consistently below 45° both mosquitoes and ticks become dormant until the following spring.

In addition to the protection our mosquito barrier treatment provides, we provide something else to homeowners.  Our long time customers tell us our effective mosquito control has provided them with many memories of good times with families and friends.  Customers find their conversations with guests while grilling, relaxing around a fire pit at dusk with their family (making s’mores perhaps) are much better when not slapping their arms and neck to prevent mosquito bites.  Your friends will want to use your yard more for gatherings because it “just feels more relaxed”.  Your yard will be the one everyone suggests first for extended family gatherings and parties.

In addition to more enjoyable entertaining, the family member who seems to be the mosquito-magnet in the yard will appreciate you more.  Homeowners with pets can also relax a bit more knowing they have reduced the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses in these family members.

With our mosquito control treatment, you will reduce the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses for family and friends and enjoy your yard much more this summer.  Isn’t it time to have both?

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