Why Do Aquatic Midges Come in My House?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

There are many things in and around your home that aquatic midges love.
When it comes to the never ending saga of Florida insects, we could write a book. If it isn’t biting mosquitoes, it’s creepy spiders. If it’s not creepy spiders, it’s swarming aquatic midges.
Will we ever get a break from all this buzzing, crawling, and biting?
Like mosquitoes, the key to understanding why there are so many here in Florida lies within their name – “aquatic.” Whereas mosquitoes need water to reproduce in great numbers, that same water and moisture attracts aquatic midges.
In fact, aquatic midges are often referred to as “blind mosquitoes,” because they buzz around like crazy, willy-nilly, never seeming to get to wherever the heck their going.
So how does aquatic midge control get rid of them and make them less of a nuisance? The answer is Mosquito Squad. Our barrier treatment is the simplest way for you to keep midges out of your yard. It eliminates 95% of them on contact. There is no reason to deal with aquatic midges and blind mosquitoes this summer, let’s talk about what we can do for you.
How can you prevent swarms of midges yourself? Good question. Here are a few tips:
1. Don’t turn on bright lights at dawn or dusk. They attract aquatic midges.
2. Close the blinds or curtains when you turn the lights on in a room. The light will attract a swarm of them.
3. Plan your walks, parties, and other outdoor activities when aquatic midges are not as active. Midges are most active during the early morning and late at night.
Can aquatic midges be controlled?
Aquatic midge control from Mosquito Squad starts with aquatic midge treatments in Ponte Vedra, St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Neptune Beach, and surrounding areas. Our midge-control barrier treatment attacks bug populations at their source, drastically reducing their presence around your home.
So if you finally want to say farewell to those pests and insects in Florida that are literally driving you and your family buggy, call us.
Our aquatic midge control consultation is free and we look forward to helping you have a pest-free summer.
With our continued treatment programs, we will eliminate many Florida pests, including aquatic midges, spiders, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, and ticks!
Send aquatic midges and the rest of the insect gang packing! Choose Mosquito Squad when searching for aquatic midge control. Call (904) 844-0816.