Is a Midge the Same as a Noseeum?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
September 18, 2024

Yes, a midge is a noseeum is a sandfly – these are three titles bestowed upon the same pest. You might have also heard them called punkies.
No matter what you call them, noseeums can become absolute terrors in your personal outdoor spaces. They thrive in our climate and have an average lifespan of 4-1/2 weeks, living between two and seven weeks. They lay their eggs by water sources, such as lakes and ponds, but can also deposit them in moist soil. Their eggs reach adulthood in two to six weeks, depending on the environment. If your yard is an ideal environment, you can be overwhelmed with noseeums in a short amount of time.
Are Noseeum Bites Dangerous?
Generally, noseeum bites are not dangerous. You’ll know when you have received a noseeum bite, because the term bite does not apply. Noseeums bite again and again causing clusters of red, irritated, raised spots on the skin – ergo, bites, not bite. They deliver pretty painful bites too, which also differentiates them from a typically single mosquito bite.
Midges, A.K.A. noseeums, are not known vectors of disease to humans, but they can transmit diseases to some animals. They can infect the likes of dromedaries, goats, cattle, and other animals with bluetongue virus. This disease causes fever and swelling of the infected animal’s mouth and can be fatal in severe cases.
For humans, noseeums can result in a skin infection at the bite sites due to excessive scratching. The red bumps caused by their bites are a direct result of intolerance to an anti-coagulant they inject while taking our blood. Swelling and itching can usually be controlled by topical steroids and antihistamines.
Are Noseeum Bites Worse Than Mosquito Bites?
As you might already have heard, mosquitoes carry the distinction of deadliest animals on the planet. Therefore, in that regard, noseeum bites are not worse than mosquito bites. However, if we’re talking about the pain coming from their bites and the itchiness that follows, noseeums bites can be considered worse than mosquito bites. One mosquito in Florida, the Asian tiger mosquito, is one species that delivers very painful bites, comparable to those of biting midges.
Search for noseeum control near me and choose Mosquito Squad.
Mosquito Squad of Northeast Florida is one of the most trusted Jacksonville noseeum pest control and outdoor pest control companies near you. We are ready to help defend your property against noseeums and other pests, like ticks, spiders, fleas, and more! Plus, our goal is your complete satisfaction.
Put our noseeum pest control to work for all your mosquito problems. Call Mosquito Squad of Northeast Florida at (904) 844-0816 to learn more about our formulas and outdoor pest control plans.