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Have Mosquitoes Been Worse This Year in Jacksonville FL?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 2, 2024

Have Mosquitoes Been Worse This Year in Jacksonville FL?

September 2024 in Jacksonville FL was one of the wettest on record.

According to The Florida Times-Union, by nearly mid-September 2024, Jacksonville was eight inches above normal totals for the start of September. Nearly five inches of rain fell on September 12. If you believe mosquitoes have been worse in 2024, it is no surprise to us. Jacksonville Florida has been a literal hot spot for mosquito activity, including floodwater mosquitoes this year.

Are Noseeums Worse After Rain?

Like mosquitoes, noseeums thrive in wet environments, as both require water in which to deposit their eggs. A colony of mosquitoes or noseeums can develop very quickly after rainy periods.

Other pests that might find post-rain conditions agreeable are:

  • Cockroaches
  • Termites
  • Centipedes
  • Millipedes
  • Flies

Which Pests Do Not Do Well in Heavy Rains?

Some ground dwellers, like ants do not like the onslaught of heavy rains. Ants build intricate tunnel systems, which lots of rain will flood. Rodents too are hindered by rain. Or maybe rain could be considered a sort of happy accident to ants and rodents. Making the best of a bad situation, both these pests will head for higher ground and places of ample sustenance – close to and inside your home.

Will My Mosquito Control Wash Away With Rain?

Mosquito Squad’s mosquito yard treatment is formulated such that it will withstand rain as long as it has had time to dry and adhere to your foliage. It takes only a half-hour or so for the drying and bonding process for our mosquito barrier treatments, after which you may use your yard again, and your treatment will be able to stand up to rainfall.

Search for mosquito control near me and choose Mosquito Squad.

Mosquito Squad of Northeast Florida is a trusted mosquito control company and outdoor pest control company near you in the Jacksonville FL area. We are ready to help defend your property against mosquitoes and other pests, like noseeums, ticks, spiders, fleas, and more! Plus, our goal is your complete satisfaction.

Put our mosquito control company to work for all your mosquito problems. Call Mosquito Squad of Northeast Florida at (904) 844-0816 to learn more about our formulas and outdoor pest control plans.

Also read: Mosquitoes After Tropical Storm Debby

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