What is the Fastest Way to Heal No-See-Um Bites?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

If you find that midges, also known as no see ums, are uber attracted to you, you have probably run to the Internet in search of quick relief.
Some declare that no-see-um bites sting worse than mosquito bites. They are additionally disconcerting because they sneak attack. And doesn’t it seem like once you receive the first no-see-um bite, the flood gates open up for more? There’s just not much good about these oft-unseen, bloodthirsty creatures. If you have fallen victim to these tiny terrorists, here’s what you can do to help heal your bite and get some immediate relief.
Relief for No See Um Bites
If you're suffering from painful, itchy no-see-um bites, here are some ways to alleviate your discomfort and pain.
1. Wash the bite site with warm water and mild soap. Try to cleanse the area as soon as you notice it to reduce any irritation from the insect’s saliva and minimize the risk of infection.
2. Use ice or a cold compress to lessen the pain and itch. Apply the ice to the itchy welts or spots for 10 minutes or so to numb the discomfort and reduce any swelling.
3. Help quiet the itch and inflamed redness with over-the-counter products. Try an anti-itch steroid or antihistamine cream to soothe any pain, swelling or irritation. As an alternative, you can also take an oral analgesic or allergy medication to stop pain and reduce any reaction.
4. In the event you do not have any topical treatments handy at home, make your own by combining baking soda with vinegar or witch hazel. Apply this paste to the bites to lessen any discomfort.
5. It may be a little maddening to resist the urge, but avoid scratching no-see-um bites. It can break your skin's surface and make it easier for an infection to develop.
Not an insect bite to take lightly or ignore, No See Um bites typically look like small red dots or raised welts that hurt, burn or itch. No-see-ums go after any exposed skin, but they seem to enjoy the back of your neck or legs especially. Be on the watch for a cluster of red dots, as it is unusual to have just one bite.
If your reaction to no-see-um bites is more severe, including trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing or rashes, you should seek medical attention immediately. Plan to see a doctor if you observe any signs of infection where the no-see-um bit you.
No-See-Um Bite Allergy Precautions
If you are one of the unfortunate humans that has had allergic reactions to mosquito bites or other types of bites, you may require over-the-counter allergy medications. If you have a more severe reaction, such as difficulty breathing or swallowing, seek immediate medical attention as soon as possible.
No-See-Um Bite Prevention
As they say, when it comes to avoiding no see um bites, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. To prevent being bitten, practice personal no-see-um control. Here’s how.
1. Use insect repellent: Apply an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to your skin before going outdoors.
2. Cover up outdoors: Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks to cover as much skin as possible. No-see-ums can bite through tight-fitting clothes, so consider wearing loose-fitting clothing.
3. Use mosquito nets: If you're camping or sleeping outdoors, use mosquito nets over your sleeping area.
4. Avoid no see um bites during peak biting times: No-see-ums are most active at dawn and dusk, so try to avoid being outdoors during these times.
5. Eliminate no see um breeding sites: No-see-ums lay their eggs in damp soil and vegetation, so try to eliminate standing water and damp areas around your home and yard.
6. Use outdoor fans: No-see-ums are weak fliers, so using a fan can help keep them away from your skin.
For professional no see um control, trust Mosquito Squad. For around the clock protection from no see um bites, our automatic misting system is the perfect solution to permanently rid no-see-ums from your yard. This system allows for consistent control with 30-second misting sessions throughout the day, so you can take back the outdoors.
Our no see um bite control treatment system is as inconspicuous as it is effective. Strategically placed nozzles are connected by unobtrusive tubing to a central reservoir. An automatic timer controls the mist, but you can override it to mist or not mist whenever.
Call on Mosquito Squad of Northeast Florida for effective no-see-um control in Jacksonville FL, to protect your whole family from painful mosquito bites. Get in touch with us at (904) 844-0816.