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Say Cheese! Best Ways to Document Summer Memories with Kids

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023


Your children just jumped into the pool hand in hand, showing the small sign of friendship that you’ve been waiting for. However, it happened so fast that you didn’t have a chance to grab your camera. Nevertheless, there are more ways to commemorate that particular moment and all of the ones in between over the course of the summer. By the end of this blog, you’ll feel satisfied in the knowledge that while a camera can be used to remember the summer, there are other alternatives that may be better suited to your needs.

Child with paint

Bullet Journal.

Here are the top two reasons that people don’t journal: “I don’t know what to write” or “I don’t have time.” While those may seem like good excuses, they aren’t. The average adult spends a daunting eleven hours looking at phones, televisions, computers, and tablets screens per day. While that may not be true for everyone, the fact remains that there are fifteen minutes that you can carve out in the evening to write about the day. The best part? You don’t have to worry about what to write, because you’re simply rehashing what you and your children did in the past twelve hours. Instead of trying to compile everything into a coherent paragraph, use a bullet to represent each thought. That way, it’s organized, easy to read, and you don’t have to worry about transitioning one idea into the next.

Child blowing bubbles

If you aren’t with your kids during the day, pull out your journal after dinner while the kids are still sitting at the table. Ask them each what their favorite part of the day was, and what’s one thing that made them laugh, or one thing they would’ve done differently. This is an easy exercise that if done regularly, will turn into a routine that your kids will come to expect.


To switch things up, try drawing with your kids one or two days per week instead of bullet journaling (or, if you’re feeling ambitious, do both!). Get out the crayons and markers, and have them draw their favorite memory of the day (and be sure to do your own drawing as well!). Once they’re finished, write their name, the date, and what the drawing is, on the back. By the summer, you can compile their drawings and your notes into a book that will be fun to read for years to come.

Children drawing together


Love the idea of videotaping every cute thing your kids do but don’t have the phone storage for it? Download the app “1 Second Everyday.” It allows you to upload 1 second of video each day so that by the end of the summer you’ll have a fun video in chronological order of funny, tiny snippets of everyday life with your kids that you would have otherwise forgotten.

Taking phone video


It’s no secret that despite the huge advancements in technology, people still enjoy the light-streaked, grainy polaroid experience. There is something about snapping a picture and watching it develop before your eyes that can’t be replicated with an iPhone. If you don’t still have your camera from the ‘80’s, pick one up at Walmart or order on Amazon. Since Polaroid cameras are so easy to use, you can hand it over to your kids and limit them each to taking one picture per day (because film isn’t cheap). But this allows you to see the world from their eyes and what they deem to be important and will act as a portal to the past when they revisit the images when they’re older.


It’s important to remember that documenting the summer is an excellent idea unless it consists of days full of scratching mosquito bites or a trip to the doctor thanks to Lyme Disease. Protect your children and their memories by trusting in Mosquito Squad to defend your yard against mosquito and tick-borne illnesses. Call today at 715-634-1504.

Your children’s childhood goes fast, and summer goes even faster. Don’t let September roll around and leave you wishing that you could remember what was happening in June. The tips outlined above will not only make you feel accomplished for memorializing the warm months, but your kids will thank you for it when they’re able to reminisce in the years to come.


All images:

“Should Adults Have Screen Time Limits, Too?” Rewire, 11 Apr. 2018,

“In Focus: The Evolution of the Personal Camera.” The Polaroid Era | DPLA,

“5 Fun Ways To Document Your Travels • Indie Traveller.” Indie Traveller,