CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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  • The Asian Tiger Mosquito Is Here and Making Its Presence Known

The Asian Tiger Mosquito Is Here and Making Its Presence Known

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 23, 2013

Mosquito season is in full swing on the North Shore. Maybe you have already come face to face with your attacker. Maybe you have experienced being bitten by a mosquito in the middle of the day. Maybe you have been lucky enough to swat your attacker before she gets the chance to feed from you, if so, did you notice what color the mosquito you was? Chances are if you were bitten during the middle of the day and the mosquito you successfully squashed was black and white striped then you have come face-to-face with wrath of the Asian Tiger mosquito.

The Asian Tiger mosquito is fairly new to the United States, only reaching North American ports located in Texas via a shipment of used tires from Asia in 1985. Since their arrival, the Asian Tiger has quickly acclimated itself to American soil, and increased rapidly in numbers here in the US. The Asian Tiger is an invasive species and has quickly taken up residence in 27 states spreading its reign of terror as far up the East Coast as Maine. According to The Weather Network, Asian Tiger mosquitoes are breeding earlier than usual this year – and they may be invading major cities all along the U.S. east coast this summer. This video comes from The Weather Network website and helps shed some light on the problem of the Asian Tiger mosquito in backyards of the North Shore this season. While this video provides helpful hints when venturing into unprotected areas, we recommend instilling the services of a mosquito control professional to halt the progression of this mosquito in your own backyard.

Asian Tiger mosquitoes are known vectors of mosquito-borne illness. Here in the United States the Asian Tiger is a carrier of 5 viruses that can be passed onto humans, including the deadly West Nile Virus. They are also known to be more aggressive and inflict a bite that is more painful than that of other mosquito species, hence the similarities to their namesake, the tiger. Mosquito Squad of the North Shore received a call just last week from a resident who mistook the mosquitoes for a swarm of bees due to their unusual and aggressive behavior.

This mosquito is often referred to as the “Forest Day mosquito” because it feeds primarily during the day which is a far cry from the evening feeding mosquitoes we have come to know and hate. Asians will feed at night as well, but predominately when a full moon is present, which adds to the macabre manner of this ferocious mosquito.

The breeding habits of the Asian Tiger mosquito are different in that they are “container breeders”. They don’t need to seek out a creek bed or bird bath to lay their eggs. These mosquitoes prefer smaller pockets of moisture such as holes in trees,  empty soda cans and  small containers such as the corners of flower pots, or any little thing we leave lying around that water can collect in is perfect for them to start their brood.

Mosquito Squad of the North Shore can apply a barrier treatment to your property to eradicate the Asian Tiger mosquito and control their populations. Common sense knowledge is also key to controlling their populations on your property. Check your surroundings on a regular basis to make sure it is free of any container that could fill with water, even the smallest container makes a perfect nursery for an Asian Tiger mosquito. Keep bushes, shrubbery and grass clippings picked up as to not harbor moisture.

Knowledge is power when preventing this aggressive biter. Grab the “tiger by the tail” today by calling Mosquito Squad of the North Shore to have your property protected.