Ticks You Might Encounter on Your Fall Hiking Trip
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023
Fall has finally arrived in the Northeast. After the heat of summer, autumn’s cool is always a welcome change and a fantastic time to go outside and enjoy the best of the colorful foliage and pleasant weather. The vibrancy of fall in our region is arguably the best in the nation, so make sure you take advantage of this time! One warning though, you need to stay wary of the ticks that remain active this time of year. Although spring and summer are the usual seasons when people expect to encounter ticks, fall is just as much of a risk. Why? Elevated tick activity in our region is due to a couple factors.
Firstly, warm temperatures have allowed tick populations to flourish over the years, and their food sources are more abundant than ever. Further, there are a couple kinds of ticks that live in our part of the world. As opposed to decades previous, our warming climate is now habitable to several tick types, including the dog tick, deer tick, and lone star tick. When autumn arrives, ticks can remain active in temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so these creatures are very aware that they must get a final blood meal before they try to find shelter to overwinter in. Desperation fuels the increased autumn tick activity, so it is critical that you stay aware of your surroundings this season. Your health depends on it!
Tick control is an important consideration this autumn
Ticks are incredibly good at latching onto us without alerting us, so what can you do to see if you’ve been bitten? The best way to ensure you don’t have an unwelcome hitchhiker is by conducting frequent tick checks after you spend time outdoors. This isn’t just important for you, your pets should also be regularly checked, and time is of the essence. Ticks are a serious risk to your health, but tick checks can dramatically reduce your likelihood of contracting a tick-borne disease. For one to contract Lyme disease, for example, a tick must remain attached for 24-48 hours before the pathogen will be transmitted. While this time frame is relatively large, the consequences of missing an attached tick can be severe.
In addition to frequent tick checks, make sure to add another layer of defense with tick control. At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked since 2005 to ensure our customers are defended against ticks and their diseases. With the help of our tick barrier protection treatments and our highly trained technicians, we can guarantee a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property.
Ticks are out and about even in the fall! Make sure to conduct frequent tick checks and consult your local tick control experts at Mosquito Squad of North Shore for powerful defense. Give us a call at (978) 597-7168.