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Stop Ticks in Their Tracks with Effective Tick Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Stop Ticks in Their Tracks with Effective Tick Control

As strange as it may seem, the cooler months after summer has settled down for the year are a terrible time for ticks and tick bites.

The smartest course of proactive action is to keep disease infested ticks at bay – and better yet – to have them eliminated by Mosquito Squad of North Shore’s year-round tick control.

To keep them at bay, there are several things you can do once autumn sets IN and those beautifully colored leaves start to fall. In fact, there are 6 time-tested and proven ways. They are called the 6 C’s of Tick Control.

  • Clear Out: Reduce your tick exposure by clearing out areas where lawn and tree debris gathers. Ticks thrive in moist, shady areas and tend to die in sunny, dry spots. Don't position playground equipment, decks, or patios near treed areas.
  • Clean: Eliminate leaf litter by clearing it from around the house and lawn edges. We also recommend mowing tall grass to keep your lawn short.
  • Choose Plants: Since deer can bring ticks to your yard, select plants and shrubs that don’t attract deer. You can also install physical barriers to keep deer out of your yard. Check with your local nursery to determine the best choices for your area. Learn which plants deter deer from HGTV.
  • Check Hiding Places: Know tick hiding places and check them frequently. Fences, brick walls, and patio retaining walls are popular hiding places.
  • Care for Family Pets: Family pets can suffer from tick-borne disease and can also carry infected ticks into your home. Talk to your veterinarian about using tick collars and sprays.
  • Call the Pros: Professional tick control can offer two levels of service to eliminate ticks before they get to you. Our traditional mosquito control mist kills adult ticks on contact, followed summer with tick tubes placed around your property.

Why is Mosquito Squad the best choice to eliminate ticks?

Mosquito Squad is the absolute best choice for tick control and elimination. The reason why is that we invented the tick and mosquito control service category back in 2005. Now with 16-plus years under our belt, we continually improve our treatment methodology based on best practices over our years in business. With Mosquito Squad tick control, those disgusting insects hardly stand a chance. In fact, our North Shore team regularly meets with fellow Mosquito Squad franchise owners all across the country to have these critical control conversations.

The Mosquito Squad tick control regimen is two-fold. Tick elimination barrier treatment in spring and summer and tick tubes in fall and winter. If you have not begun your post-summer tick control regimen with Mosquito Squad of North Shore, there is no time like the present. Give us a call at (978) 597-7168.