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Why Are Ticks In New Jersey Dangerous?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 18, 2024

Ticks are dangerous for several reasons, but especially because they can transmit illnesses like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and many others. Throughout the outdoor living season when these pests are active, it is critical that you take precautions to keep most ticks away from your property in the first place. While you can’t take the strongest precautions out in the woods, you certainly can on your property. That’s where we can help. 

Lyme Disease in NJ

Living in the Northeast, you’ve probably heard plenty about the spread of Lyme disease throughout our region. So why is this illness so serious? According to the CDC, an estimated 475,000+ people in the United States contract this disease yearly, with most cases coming from areas in the Northeast. 

Why Tick Control Summit, NJ is Vital

While Lyme disease is very treatable with a cycle of antibiotics, one of the issues we face is in diagnosing it. Only 1 in 10 cases are correctly diagnosed, with most patients believing they simply have the common cold and dealing with symptoms over long periods. A short stint with Lyme disease is relatively harmless as long it is adequately treated, but chronic cases can lead to all kinds of issues including cognitive impairment such as issues with memory, issues with joint pain, and even issues with the lining of major organs. So, if you suspect your symptoms may be in line with Lyme disease, it never hurts to check with your doctor for a test.

Summit Tick Control for the Ultimate Coverage

Your yard is meant to be a sanctuary, so don’t let ticks take advantage of you or your family. These parasites present a real threat to your health and happiness, which is why we offer Summit tick control that is extremely effective. By treating the perimeter of your property and other areas within your yard where ticks might be hiding, we can guarantee a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property. We’ve been working for decades to provide our neighbors with comprehensive pest control options, and tick control is high on our list of priorities. Ticks can easily ruin your outdoor moments, so don’t let them! 

Help reclaim your property from ticks with Summit tick control from our team at Mosquito Squad of North Jersey. We’ve got your back! Give us a call today at 

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