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Moms Love Natural Newtown Mosquito Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Moms Love Natural Newtown Mosquito Control

At long last, spring is finally here! Just as in years past, you will soon be able to frolic outside after the long, cold winter. Outdoor living is an amazing part of life in the Northeast when spring and summer come around, and your kids will be spending lots of time outside with the return of warm weather! However, not all is sunshine and daisies when the chill of winter fades. When the ground thaws and fresh foliage begins to emerge once more, mosquitoes do the same. Just like clockwork, mosquitoes emerge from their shelters and eggs as soon as temperatures get warm enough, and then your outdoor living experience is promptly threatened.

As you have likely noticed in past years, after your kids play outside, almost without fail they return with itchy, red mosquito bites that are difficult to stop scratching. Not only can you develop an infection and scarring from a scratched mosquito bite, but you can also receive a nasty disease from these biters. That’s right, the rates of mosquito-borne diseases in the Northeast have been increasing in recent years, and they are only expected to become worse. While most people look at mosquitoes as a mere nuisance to contend with every they go outside, catching a disease from a mosquito bite is a real possibility that should incite genuine concern. West Nile virus, Zika virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis are all serious illnesses you or your children can contract from mosquito bites, so make sure you are protected this season. For powerful defense against these horrible biters, Newtown and Danbury mosquito control is available in Mosquito Squad’s original and natural formulas. It is effective against ticks, too! For all your mosquito control needs, we’ve got you covered.

Danbury mosquito control from Mosquito Squad

The Moms network has all kinds of great resources for leading a healthy and happy lifestyle, which is why we are consistently considered one of the best mosquito defense providers around. Since 2005, Mosquito Squad has provided tick and mosquito control services to defend against these nasty pests, and we’re still going strong. One of the things that have contributed to our success over the years is our treatment strategy. In addition to assessing your property for the source of your tick or mosquito issues, we use a unique barrier protection mist, which comes available in a natural formula as well. With an application every 2 weeks, our barrier protection treatments are guaranteed to deliver great results. In fact, you can expect to see up to a 90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property!

Your health and happiness are of paramount importance. Children and adults alike deserve to be safe in their yards, and we are here to help with that goal. For Newtown mosquito control that is extremely effective, consult Mosquito Squad of New Haven & Fairfield County. We will defend you all spring, summer, and fall. Give us a call at (203) 275-0078.

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