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  • Asian Longhorned Ticks Well Established in Fairfield Beach

Asian Longhorned Ticks Well Established in Fairfield Beach

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

In the weeks following 4th of July weekend, many would consider this period to be the peak of summer. With steamy temperatures extending well into the forecast, spending time at the beach and around lakes is never more attractive. However, before you head out around bodies of water, make sure you are prepared to deal with the ticks that frequent the environments surrounding lakes and bordering the ocean. Despite our desire for outdoor relaxation that doesn’t involve stress, ticks are most in abundance around this time of year, especially in the grassy ecosystems that are found at the beach. Government-organized tick control efforts have long been aware of the need for people to avoid grasses and shrubbery, but this year is different. Why? Due to our changing climate and an influx of invasive species, we are now hosting a new species called the Asian longhorned tick.

Tick control is essential this summer

In current and past years, deer ticks have represented the greatest tick-related threat to human health, but now this new tick variation should cause concern. Last year, researchers discovered six Asian longhorned ticks in CT, but they’ve already discovered several of these ticks in the Fairfield beach area. Based on researcher estimates, this find means that Asian longhorned ticks are now well-established in the area. In years to come, we can expect that these ticks will be found throughout the state and, likely, across the country. As of now, these ticks don’t appear to carry tick-borne diseases that could harm humans, but we can expect this to change soon. In the future, they may become a vector for disease across the country.

Although this revelation probably isn’t a welcome one for those living in the Northeast, there are solutions to keeping ticks of all varieties away from your yard. There are many tick-control methods on the market, but only some can be trusted to defend your health and your property. For these reasons, professional tick control is the best method to pursue.

Tick control for Asian longhorned ticks

The threats that ticks pose to our health and happiness are mounting. Fortunately, Mosquito Squad of New Haven Fairfield is here to help. Since 2005, we’ve worked to defend our customers against ticks and mosquitoes with resounding success. With the help of our barrier protection spray, which is also available in our natural formula, we can guarantee a severe reduction in the tick population on your property. With biweekly treatments included in our premium protection program, you can rest easy knowing you are defended all summer and fall.

Asian longhorned ticks are now well established in Fairfield Beach. To defend against these ticks and others, trust Mosquito Squad of New Haven & Fairfield County for powerful tick control. Give us a call at (203) 275-0078.