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Meredith Tick Control for Tick-borne Illness Prevention

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

It is no secret that the risk for tick-borne illness is a prevailing concern in the Northeastern United States. Is it possible to be afflicted with more than one tick illness at one time?

When you hire Mosquito Squad for tick control, Lyme disease prevention is likely top-of-mind. Lyme disease reached epidemic levels in our region years ago and remains a valid concern for New Hampshire residents. The fact remains there are more tick-borne diseases that must be included in our list of concerns when employing professional Meredith tick control. Visitors must also be aware of the necessary precautions of personal tick protection when spending time in New Hampshire or the Northeastern region of the United States. The following case is proof positive of this statement.

One tick bite resulted in three diagnoses for one man.

This is a rare case of co-infection of tick diseases but serves as proof that it can happen. In a recent study published by BMJ Global Health Journals, a 70-year-old gentleman went to the emergency room for a variety of health worries. One month earlier, he believed that he had received an insect bite on his ankle. Upon visiting the ER, he reportedly suffered from symptoms, such as nausea, fever, and severe ankle swelling. Further tests revealed that he also had a low platelet count, elevated enzymes, and acute kidney issues. His blood tests found the presence of, “Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia microti.” In laymen’s terms, this patient was diagnosed with Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis – all in one visit, all from one purported tick bite!

In an online article by the NY Post, this man’s diagnoses were attributed to a trip to the Northeastern United States. Another key takeaway from this extraordinary case study, is that the man sought medical attention early enough that all three conditions were successfully treated with antibiotics. It is essential that anyone, who might have been in a situation, which could have resulted in a bite from an infected tick, seek medical attention at once. Delayed treatment could lead to a lifelong battle with conditions, like chronic Lyme disease.

Professional Meredith tick control aids tick-borne illness prevention.

We are in full-blown tick emergence in New Hampshire at the time of this writing. The best possible tick-borne illness prevention methods include personal protection measures while camping, hiking, or visiting the beach. At-home Meredith tick control by Mosquito Squad of New Hampshire Lakes Region will help decrease your family’s chances of encountering a disease-carrying tick. Our EPA-registered mosquito and tick control solution starts working immediately and will continue working for about 21 days between applications. Our effective tick control barrier sprays should be employed from springtime through fall. In the fall and winter, Mosquito Squad offers a tick tube program, which works to decrease the number of ticks that emerge around your home in the spring.

Isn’t it time you started your at-home tick control? Choose Mosquito Squad of New Hampshire Lakes Region for year-round Meredith tick control. Call us today at (603) 301-4857.