CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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Are mosquitoes worse in the fall?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Mosquito activity is often misunderstood, including when we think mosquitoes are not active.

Each year around this time, we have many questions about mosquito activity. Like: “Isn’t mosquito season over?” Here is what is most important to know. There is no such thing as ‘mosquito season.’ Mosquitoes are more active in the springtime, summer, and fall. For this reason, mosquito control should be deployed until the end of October in New Hampshire.

Are mosquitoes more active in the fall?

It is possible for mosquitoes to be more active in the fall. You might notice that you encounter more mosquitoes at home or away from home this time of year. You see, mosquitoes thrive in warm temperatures, but they do try to hide away from harsh summer sun and extreme heat. Therefore, you might find that mosquitoes bite more in the morning and after dusk in the summertime. But pristine autumn weather might bring them out in force during all hours of the day and night.

What else can affect your perception of elevated mosquito activity?

If you or your family are receiving more mosquito bites in the fall, there could be a simple explanation other than increased mosquito activity. Autumn weather is a welcome reprieve from the same harsh summer sun and temperatures for humans – the same extreme conditions that drive mosquitoes under cover will lead us indoors for cooling off. If you really think about it, you might find that you and your family are spending more time outdoors in the fall than you did in the summer. Even if mosquitoes are not more active or plentiful in the fall, more time spent outdoors could increase your chances of a mosquito bite.

Is now the time to call off your Meredith mosquito control?

Now is the time to ramp up your personal mosquito protection when hiking or camping, and it is certainly not the time to halt your professional mosquito control. Mosquito Squad of New Hampshire Lakes Region recommends continuous mosquito control barrier protection from springtime through most of fall. In our area, this translates to April through October.

Recommendations for avoiding tick and mosquito bites in the fall:

  • Clean gutters of leaf debris, where water might pool
  • Clean yard waste and leaf debris from your yard – bag it up, throw it away
  • Perform tick checks on kids and pets after playing in autumn leaves
  • Call on Mosquito Squad of New Hampshire Lakes Region for fall and winter Meredith tick control solutions

Call Mosquito Squad of New Hampshire Lakes Region today at (603) 301-4857.