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Preliminary Reports Suggest that Lyme Disease Cases Have Increased This Year

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 6, 2017

Year after year it seems there’s a researcher or ecologist that predicts we’re going to have an increase in Lyme disease cases. It’s so common that we have nearly become immune to hearing such prognostications. While that doesn’t absolutely mean we’re going to see an increase in Lyme disease cases, this year that happens to be the case. While it’s extremely important to remain vigilant while hiking or traveling through forested areas, you can count on Mosquito Squad to keep your yard free of potential disease carrying ticks.

According to a recent article in, “Early this spring, ecologists predicted that this would be a particularly risky summer for Lyme disease in the Northeast, positing that a boom in mice last year could mean a boom in ticks this year – including ticks carrying Lyme”. The article goes further, “Now, some early data from doctors’ offices around the country suggests that in May and June at least, Lyme is indeed up significantly this year. Public health officials like to say that every year is a bad year for Lyme disease. However, this year is looking even worse”.

Rather than diving into the plethora of data, simply put, “This year we’ve seen large increases in New Hampshire, which is up about 96% over last year…”. That’s correct, New Hampshire Lyme disease cases are up 96% over last year. This is truly a very scary number and one that shouldn’t be taken with the proverbial “grain of salt”. More blacklegged ticks don’t always equate to more cases of Lyme disease, but it certainly has translated into that this year. It’s for this very reason that you should remain extremely vigilant and ensure that your yard is completely free of any ticks.

To find out how Mosquito Squad of the New Hampshire Lakes Region can remove up to 90% of the tick population within your yard, just give us a call at (603) 301-4857. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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