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Incidents of Tick-Borne Diseases are on the Rise Throughout the Northeast

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 11, 2017

In case you’re wondering, it’s not just you that might be noticing more ticks than is usual in our area. Researchers are reporting both an increase in the overall number of ticks as well as ticks that are infected. With an increase in the tick population, there’s usually a direct correlation with increased numbers of infected ticks. In the instance we’re seeing more infected ticks and ticks overall, it’s important to have a professional tick control company to ensure your yard isn’t infested with these bloodsucking pests. You can count on the experts at Mosquito Squad to treat your yard for both ticks and mosquitoes simultaneously; the whole two birds with one stone mentality.

In a recent online article on it was stated, “Scientists at the Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven have seen over 5,000 ticks come in for testing over the last six months. They normally see an average of 3,000 over the course of a year, according to Dr. Theodore Andreadis, director of the facility. But it’s not just Lyme disease they’re concerned about. They are seeing more cases of other tick-borne illnesses including the Powassan virus”.

The primary concern with increased cases of Powassan virus is that there’s no treatment for it. It can be transmitted in just a few seconds of a tick feeding and in some cases can even be a lethal bite. So, if you’re out and about hiking or traveling through wooded areas, make sure to be extremely vigilant when checking yourself for ticks. If you overlook just one little spot, it could result in extremely dire results. This is the time of year when Lyme disease cases begin to spring up all over the Northeast. So, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

To find out information about tick activity in our area, you can view the link for the Tick Encounter Resource. If you’re looking for expert tick control, just give Mosquito Squad a call at (603) 301-4857. We look forward to your call!

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