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What Do Mosquitoes Eat?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 14, 2024

What Do Mosquitoes Eat?

Nashville mosquitoes are ravenous this time of year. Are they only biting you, or what?

If you are often the target of backyard mosquitoes, more so than others, you might believe that mosquitoes only bite you. However, that is far from the truth. Can you be a prime target? You bet! It is believed that mosquitoes both have preferences for certain people and can be attracted to colors on the right targets. And while you receive frequent mosquito bites, there is some good news – you are not alone!

What do female mosquitoes eat?

Female mosquitoes feast on our blood, it’s true. Would you believe that the main food source of female mosquitoes is not blood, but rather nectar? Sustenance for female mosquitoes comes from plant nectar. When it comes to egg fertilization, however, female mosquitoes require a blood meal. This means your blood, your family member’s blood, or even your pet’s blood.

But they are not relegated to only biting domesticated species! Female mosquitoes can feed on the blood of wild animals, including ground rodents, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. West Nile virus can be transmitted to mosquitoes when they feed on the blood of birds. Birds can contract West Nile in a couple of ways. By eating infected bird carcasses or through the bite of an infected mosquito.

What do male mosquitoes eat?

Male mosquitoes’ physiology is such that they are unable to pierce skin to feed on blood. Even if their mouth anatomy would allow it, male mosquitoes are inept at finding blood targets. For these reasons, and because they do not have the job of fertilizing eggs, there is no reason for male mosquitoes to eat blood at all. Their diets rely mainly on the sugar they obtain from plant nectar.

Do mosquitoes prefer dark skin over light skin?

No. Colors on their own will not attract mosquitoes. Therefore, dark or light skin color does not matter. Additionally, when mosquitoes show attraction to certain colors of clothing, that attraction must be paired with other stimuli. Body chemistry, physical cues, and the presence of CO2 will attract certain mosquitoes to colors, like red and orange, as well as dark colors, like black and navy. Mosquitoes will detect one target over another with the right body heat, CO2 emissions, movement, and a color they find attractive.

Search for mosquito control Nashville and choose Mosquito Squad.

Mosquito Squad of Nashville offers comprehensive Nashville mosquito control, as well as other pest control services, including tick control and flea control.

Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about Mosquito Squad, your trusted source for mosquito control Nashville TN and more!

Also read: What Eats Mosquitoes?

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