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Mosquito Treatment, Tick Treatment for Yard – DIY?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 6, 2024

Mosquito Treatment, Tick Treatment for Yard – DIY?

Mosquito Squad of Nashville offers mosquito and tick treatment for your yard, so you don’t have to DIY.

There are many chores and home upgrades that homeowners undertake on their own. From general yard maintenance to installing a DIY backyard patio or staining a deck, many Nashville residents are doing it for themselves. Mosquito Squad of Nashville implores you not to do your mosquito and tick treatment as a do-it-yourself chore. We’ll take the responsibility right off your hands, ensuring that you have ample coverage that is proven to last for weeks at a time. Consider these choices for your Nashville mosquito treatment and tick treatment for your yard.

Traditional Mosquito Treatment Nashville TN

For two decades, Mosquito Squad has been at the forefront of the mosquito control fight working diligently to help defend customers from these parasites and the diseases they can carry. Our traditional mosquito barrier treatments are what make these efforts possible. In tandem with the expertise of our highly trained technicians, these treatments can guarantee up to an 85-90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property. Each of these powerful services will provide you with up to three weeks of comprehensive coverage, and we’ll be ready to return after those 21 days to deliver another effective treatment.

Natural Mosquito Treatment Nashville

In addition to our traditional mosquito treatments, we take pride in our other offering: Natural mosquito control treatments. Using a unique blend of essential oils that mosquitoes loathe, this treatment option is also powerful and has an effective lifetime of two weeks. We know how important it is to keep mosquitoes at bay on your property, and this service is a proven way to take the fight to mosquitoes with guaranteed results. 

Nashville Tick Treatment for Yard, Plus Tick Control Tubes

While mosquitoes often command most of our attention, it is vital that you are aware of the dangers posed by ticks and how to deal with these parasites. Capable of transmitting a host of diseases including the dreaded Lyme disease, ticks are no joke. Fortunately, our tick control measures aren’t either. Our tick barrier treatments, for example, are an excellent way to dramatically reduce the tick population on your property and discourage them from making their way into your yard in the first place. In addition to these treatments, we recommend our tick-tubes as well. Filled with treated cotton balls, tick tubes are strategically placed in the areas of your property where mice and other small animals like to hide. These mammals are a key source of blood for juvenile ticks. When mice search for nesting materials, they will use this cotton, which is non-toxic to them, to help build their burrow for the winter. The treated cotton is lethal to ticks, and when the solution gets into mice’s hair, it eliminates ticks targeting the mouse and those living in the burrow. 

This dual-pronged approach is an incredibly effective way to target ticks on your property and those seeking shelter under it. With our help, no tick will be safe in your yard.

Search for mosquito treatment and choose Mosquito Squad of Nashville. 

Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about Mosquito Squad, your trusted source for Nashville mosquito treatment and tick treatment for your yard. We treat other outdoor pest control services too! 

Also read: Are mosquito misting systems worth it?

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