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Are Mosquitoes Bad in Nashville?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 9, 2024

Are Mosquitoes Bad in Nashville?

Does Nashville have a mosquito problem?

Some online sources suggest that Nashville is the 10th most mosquito-ridden city in the United States. With that designation comes responsibility. Nashville mosquito control has been an essential facet of helping keep mosquito populations down in and around the Nashville area. Mosquito Squad offers effective solutions for all your Nashville mosquito control needs.

Nashville Mosquito Control for Problem Mosquitoes

Tennessee boasts nearly 50 species of mosquitoes. However, less than 20 Tennessee mosquito species can be a real problem. For many Nashville residents, even nuisance mosquitoes are too much to endure. They call on Mosquito Squad for proven and effective mosquito control solutions.

Our mosquito control services can help alleviate your mosquito woes by eliminating up to 90% of the mosquitoes around your property for two or three weeks between treatments.

Mosquitoes in Tennessee Live Well

As worldwide temperatures continue to warm, pests like mosquitoes have more time to live and breed in Tennessee each year. The Nashville area provides ample resources for mosquitoes to live and breed – and breed and breed. Mosquitoes enjoy a lengthy busy season in Tennessee, which is roughly March through October. It can be longer if springtime arrives early, or warm weather lasts longer in autumn.

Woodland areas, lush vegetation, backyard pools and ponds, and natural waterways offer plenty of food for male mosquitoes and many options for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs. In these ideal environments, mosquitoes will hatch and reach adulthood in only 10 to 12 days. Female mosquitoes may produce up to 10 broods of 50 to 500 eggs in each, depending on the species and environmental factors.

Nashville Mosquitoes Are Not the Only Problem

For much the same reasons that mosquitoes thrive here, so too, do ticks and fleas. And if you have pets, they can quickly bring fleas into your private domain. Ticks too, will target pets and small children, because they are closer to the ground, where ticks often quest. The beauty in our Nashville mosquito control is that if offers three-fold protection by treating for mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

Our mosquito control technicians can deftly identify problem areas across your property and break up any potential breeding grounds. Then, they will formulate an effective pest control plan that is tailored to your needs.

Search for mosquito control Nashville and choose Mosquito Squad. 

Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about, Mosquito Squad of Nashville, your trustworthy mosquito control company in Nashville!

Also read: Keeping Mosquitoes Away From Your Backyard Pool 

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