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How Can I Protect My Dog From Mosquitoes?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 25, 2024

How Can I Protect My Dog From Mosquitoes?

Nashville mosquitoes are out in force. Is there a way to protect your dog from them?

It’s peak mosquito season in TN.  Residents are pulling out personal mosquito repellents and lighting citronella candles. Are these methods enough to keep mosquitoes at bay? Probably not. Mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks find your pets to be easy targets. Backyard mosquitoes are very likely going to attempt to get their blood meals from a frequently available source. Many times, that source is your dog, an unwitting victim just trying to enjoy fresh air and sunshine inside their fenced yard or back porch.

Why is it important to protect your dog from mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes can pass diseases and parasites through their bites to you and your dog. The most well-known mosquito-born illness in dogs is heartworm disease. However, your dog is susceptible to other dangerous mosquito infections, including:

  • Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE)
  • West Nile virus (WNV)

Is flea, tick, and mosquito prevention enough to protect your dog?

There are quite a few OTC and prescription choices for mosquito prevention for your dog. Your veterinarian will know which prevention method, if any, is right for your pet. If your dog has had a reaction to flea, tick, and mosquito prevention drugs, it is important to find methods of protection. Even if you opt in to prescription prevention methods, your dog can still be bitten by mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. These pests will simply die after biting your dog – they are not repelled by the medicine. Therefore, mosquito repellent is recommended even if your dog is on preventative medication.

What keeps mosquitoes away from your dog?

If you keep an outdoor water bowl for your pet, that is the first thing to address to keep mosquitoes away. Pour out their water and refresh it with new water at least every three days to eliminate the risk of mosquitoes laying eggs therein. You might also try an agitating water bowl, as mosquitoes will not lay eggs in moving water. You could also consider creating a protected space for your dog, such as a screened porch, to help protect them from mosquitoes. But that’s not all!

Nashville Mosquito Control for Pet Health and Well-Being

Pet-friendly mosquito control is available to promote your pet’s health and well-being. Mosquito Squad of Nashville offers a 100% non-synthetic mosquito control formula, which can help eliminate up to 80-85% of the mosquitoes around your property. What’s more, this non-toxic mosquito control formula reaches peak protection in about 24 hours and will continue to work for two or three weeks between treatments.

Search for Nashville mosquito control and choose Mosquito Squad.

Mosquito Squad of Nashville offers comprehensive mosquito control in Nashville and other pest control services, including tick control, flea control, and chigger control. Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about Mosquito Squad, your trusted source for mosquito control Nashville TN and more!

Also read: Do bat houses keep mosquitoes away?

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