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Do TN Pests Have Natural Predators?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 7, 2024

Do TN Pests Have Natural Predators?

Whether it’s ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, or chiggers, Tennessee pests have several natural predators.

The circle of life is infinite and believe it or not, all pests serve their purpose in the natural world. Annoying as they might be, chiggers, fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks are a nutritional source for other of Mother Nature’s creatures. So, what are they?

Natural Tick Predators

Ticks in TN are plentiful and on the move in the spring, summer, and fall. If you live In an area that is apt to harbor ticks, you can only hope that there are plenty of predators out there too. Animals that eat ticks include birds, such as chickens, guineafowl, woodpeckers, and quails. Ticks can also fall prey to chipmunks, frogs, and lizards.

Do opossums eat ticks?

A study from 2009 suggested that one Virginia opossum could eat up to 5,000 ticks in one week. However, a peer-reviewed study in 2021 found that a sample of Virginia opossums from the wild had consumed nary a tick – zero tick parts were found. Through inspection of their stomach contents via dissecting microscopes, researchers found that opossums are not the huge tick allies we have believed them to be.

Natural Flea Predators

Tiny as they are, fleas do have natural predators in the wild. These include small snakes, lizards, and frogs. There are some other pests, which eat fleas. These include fire ants and beetles. While this is good news, it is not ideal to have an infestation of beetles or fire ants just to enjoy have no fleas. Add to that, many of us do not wish to encounter reptiles or amphibians that eat fleas. It’s like trading one fear for another – the lesser of two evils, if you will.

Natural Chigger Predators

Chiggers are very small mites, which are low on the food chain. They can become prey to just about any small animal that lives nearby. Natural chigger predators include salamanders, lizards, birds, centipedes, spiders, beetles and many more.

What eats mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes have very many natural predators, probably because they are fliers and more likely to fall prey to other animals than ticks or fleas, which almost have to be hunted. Mosquitoes are everywhere and provide nutrition for the likes of bats, birds, lizards, spiders, and dragonflies. Additionally, fish will eat mosquito larvae.

Pest Control Mt Juliet: Because Natural Predators Are Not Enough.

We could only hope that natural predators would play a big enough role in eliminating these Tennessee pests, thereby decreasing our chances of contracting vector-borne illnesses. Mosquitoes are still spreading West Nile, Zika, chikungunya, Eastern equine encephalitis, and more. The U.S. even had locally spread malaria in 2023. And sadly, black-legged ticks are still in the business of spreading Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and Powassan virus. One of the newer ticks in town, the Lone Star tick (tick with white dot), is responsible for the spread of diseases too, including an illness that can result in a lifelong allergy to red meat proteins. More surprising still perhaps, is that fleas are responsible for about seven cases of bubonic plague in the United States annually. And all these pests have the potential to cause skin irritation that could lead to a secondary infection, as well as allergic reactions.

Search for Mt Juliet Pest Control and call Mosquito Squad of Nashville. 

Mosquito Squad of Nashville offers comprehensive pest control services, including mosquito control, tick control, flea control, and chigger control. Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about Mosquito Squad, your trusted source for pest control in Mt Juliet TN!

Also read: How to Control Backyard Mosquitoes

*If you believe you have been bitten by an infected pest, seek medical care immediately.

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