CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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  • Mild Winter Promises a Mosquito Filled Summer, Prepare to Fight the Bite!

Mild Winter Promises a Mosquito Filled Summer, Prepare to Fight the Bite!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

March 29, 2012

Do you feel the steam coming out of your ears as you pull in to fill up and notice that gas prices have gone up YET AGAIN!?  Plan a stay-cation this summer, its affordable and you can still enjoy time away from the grind with your family.  Be sure that you also plan for those univited guests though, as seen on Nashville’s Channel 2 news this week, the mosquitoes are going to be out in full force due to the mild winter we’ve had.  Mosquito Squad can help make your backyard your own oasis, free from buzzing, biting mosquitoes!  Call us today to inquire about our standard or 100% natural mosquito control solutions!  Don’t let mosquitoes bite you, fight back!  We can help!

Video Story- Channel 2 News- Nashville warned of increase in moquitoes and West Nile Virus