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How Often Should I Schedule My Tick Control?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

How Often Should I Schedule My Tick Control?

Here we are, one month into summer, and still talking about tick control.

How important is tick control in Dickson TN this time of year, and how often should you schedule your treatments? We are in the middle of what might be considered tick season in Tennessee. And since you don’t want to drop the proverbial ball by forgetting to schedule your own tick control spray, Mosquito Squad of Nashville is here to help keep you on course. We will keep your property in our regular rotation, helping you reduce your chances of getting a tick-borne illness by eliminating the threat.

Tick Control Dickson to Help Prevent Common TN Tick Illnesses

You might hear a lot about Lyme disease, but is Lyme infection the most common Tennessee tick-borne illness? Nope. The most prevalent tick diseases in our area are associated with the most common TN tick, the American dog tick. These diseases are in a group called Spotted Fever Rickettsioses (SFR), which includes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), a very severe tick-borne infection.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a bacterial disease spread by ticks, which is why tick control Dickson is critically important. SFR is the number one most reported tick-borne disease in Tennessee, with 119 probable and confirmed cases reported last year in 2021. Prior to 2019, it was typical to see over 600 cases annually; however, COVID-19 and a case definition change in 2020 have likely reduced the number of cases reported since then. Tennessee is one of the five states that make up over 50% of all national SFR cases.

RMSF typically begins with a fever and headache, which is followed a few days later with the development of a rash. The rash is generally made up of small spots of bleeding and starts on the wrists and ankles. Other symptoms may include muscle pains and vomiting. Long-term complications following recovery may include hearing loss or loss of part of an arm or leg.

The best way to reduce occurrences of SFR and RMSF is with effective tick control practices and a trusted tick control company. When you are going outside to explore summer fun in grassy or wooded areas, working in the garden, or hiking in areas where we think ticks might be residing, we recommend wearing long sleeves or long pants or at least doing a check for ticks after being outside for any period of time. The other approach to preventing infection is using commercial products that contain DEET and that work to prevent ticks' attachment and decreases the risk of infection.

If a tick is latched on to your skin, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible. The best way to remove a tick is to use a pair of tweezers to grip it by its head and mouth so they do not remain embedded in your skin when the tick is pulled away from where it is attached. Use upward and even pressure to remove. Twisting and jerking the tick can cause parts of the tick to break off and remain in the skin. If the tick is already engorged, have a healthcare professional remove it.

How Often Will We Schedule Your Dickson Tick Control?

There are many variables in determining how often you should receive professional tick control treatments to achieve optimum tick control Dickson. Mosquito Squad recommends a minimum of every three weeks, but your property could require more frequent sprays. Our professional tick control Dickson team will make that determination after doing an analysis of your property.

During that visit, our highly trained tick control technicians will help you determine a regimen that will be most effective for your property and outdoor lifestyle. We call it the 6 Cs of tick control. Mosquito Squad provides quality tick control services so you and your family can enjoy your outdoor spaces as our team of licensed and trained tick control technicians help you get rid of the dangers of ticks.

Get nasty ticks under control with customized tick control Dickson! Contact Mosquito Squad of Nashville at 615-492-3662.

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