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Fleas Vs. Chiggers, Bites and Behaviors

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 13, 2024

Fleas Vs. Chiggers, Bites and Behaviors

Are fleas and chiggers similar? Are they the same? Are they nothing alike?

Chiggers and fleas are both very small biting pests, but they are not the same. Their biting behaviors and bites themselves differ. Fleas feed on blood in adulthood, whereas larval chiggers feed on skin cells of their hosts. Both pests deliver a small dose of numbing agent before delivering their bites, and you might not realize you’ve been bitten until after they have already gone. Larval chiggers feed to develop into adults. Fleas feed to produce eggs. Fleas and chiggers differ in more ways too!

Biting Behaviors of Fleas vs. Chiggers

While fleas and chiggers are both quite small, their feeding behaviors and size differ greatly. We know fleas are extremely small and somewhat hard to see, but chiggers are even smaller, even smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Fleas are true bloodsuckers. They rely on our blood for nutrients, and their droppings are what juvenile fleas feed on. Chiggers on the other hand will insert their mouthparts into our skin and inject a fluid that dissolves some of our tissue. Blood isn’t the target, it’s the flesh of our upper dermis. Fleas will remain on their host indefinitely, while chiggers can stay attached to you for up to 12 days. These timelines vary, so it is important to stay vigilant for these pests in case they find their way onto your skin or your pets. Telltale signs of flea bites are very itchy red and swollen bites that can become a blister. Chiggers, on the other hand, deliver very small bites that can resemble a small pimple. Both insects tend to target the feet and legs.

Natural Habitats of Chiggers vs. Fleas

The habitats of chiggers and fleas can differ slightly, but they both prefer moist, humid, and shady areas like tall grass and woods. Fleas, in particular, may shelter under your porch, in woodpiles and sheds, sand, and other derelict areas that might provide cover from the elements. Chiggers are less likely to be found in these areas, but there is always a chance they are present there as well. Considering how difficult these pests are to find, working to keep them off your property in the first place is the best way to help defend yourself.

Are chiggers and fleas parasites?

Both of these pests are parasites, but there is a key distinction between the two. Fleas are parasites as adults, whereas chiggers are larval parasites until they develop into adults and their appetite changes. Chiggers have six legs as larvae, and as adults, they will have eight legs, so they are very closely related to spiders and ticks.

Regardless of their stages in life, both of these pests present serious issues to your outdoor lifestyle, and in some cases even to your health!

Can you control fleas and chiggers around your home?

Rather than leave these pests to run riot on your property, there’s an easy solution for you. Our team at Mosquito Squad of Nashville is highly capable of tackling both of these parasites, allowing you to return to your outdoor spaces with confidence and comfort. With the help of our comprehensive flea control and chigger control treatments, you can enjoy weeks of peace at a time before needing reapplications. For an unrivaled commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, rely on Mosquito Squad for powerful results that will keep you comfortable throughout the outdoor living season!

Search for flea control Nashville and choose Mosquito Squad.

Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about Mosquito Squad, your trusted source for mosquito control Nashville, as well as flea control, chigger control, and tick treatment for your yard. We treat other outdoor pests too!

Also read: What eats fleas?

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