August Is National Golf Month
Posted by Mosquito SquadAugust 1, 2012
As this amusing video points out the excitement of outdoor sports like golf can be seriously dampened by mosquitoes. The video pokes fun at the annoyance factor but there is much more to be afraid of. West Nile Virus is a real threat as we head to the “links” or enjoy other backyard activities this august. As the Center for Disease Control website points out:
“What Is the Risk of Getting Sick from WNV?
Being outside means you’re at risk. The more time you’re outdoors, the more time you could be bitten by an infected mosquito. Pay attention to avoiding mosquito bites if you spend a lot of time outside, either working or playing.”
So take control of your environment and let Mosquito Squad of Nashville eliminate these annoying pest from your home. And listen up golf courses-In observance of national golf month we would like to suggest that you get in touch with mosquito squad to protect all those innocent enthusiastic golfers.