Are tiger mosquitoes in Tennessee?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

Tiger mosquitoes, also known as forest mosquitoes, are abundant in Tennessee.
And woe betide anyone, who enjoys being outdoors in TN, because these menaces can be active all year long. Tiger mosquitoes require very little water for egg-laying and can reach adulthood in as little as 10 days. Therefore, they are the most common of all mosquitoes in Tennessee.
Why are they called tiger mosquitoes?
The tiger mosquito, native to Southeast Asia, gets its name from its black and white stripes. There is no mistaking an encounter with one of these nasty home and yard invaders. They are large enough for you to actually see their distinctive stripes. And their bites are painful enough that you know they have been near, whether you see them or not!
Are tiger mosquito bites worse than other mosquito bites?
Asian tiger mosquitoes feed all day, unlike many other mosquito species, which prefer biting during dusk to dawn hours. In addition to packing a painful punch, the bite from a tiger mosquito will become itchy almost instantly. In most cases, this initial discomfort subsides quickly. Though, it can reappear days after being bitten. And while their bites are not necessarily worse than other types of mosquitoes, there are potential health concerns.
Firstly, if you are allergic to mosquito bites, a tiger mosquito can produce the typical swelling and pain associated with being bitten by any other mosquito.
Tiger mosquitoes can and do spread dangerous mosquito-borne illnesses, including:
- West Nile virus
- Dengue
- Yellow Fever
- Zika Virus
- Chikungunya
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
- Heartworm Disease in Dogs (and potentially cats)
How do you protect yourself from tiger mosquitoes in Tennessee?
If you spend any amount of time outdoors, you should consider protecting yourself from all mosquitoes in Tennessee. Mosquito protection should be applied when you are away from home, whether you work outdoors, or are enjoying outdoor activities or leisure.
The CDC recommends using one of the following for personal mosquito bite protection:
- Picaridin
- Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
You can further protect yourself from tiger mosquito bites by wearing long sleeves and pants, which are difficult for mosquitoes to penetrate. Tightly woven fabrics, such as denim, offer protection.
Mosquito Control at Home for TN’s Thriving Mosquito Population
At home, you can protect your whole family from the threat of mosquito bites. Mosquito Squad offers an array of choices for your preferred level of protection. Our EPA-registered barrier protection mosquito control spray is applied about every three weeks, resulting in about a 90% reduction in mosquitoes around your property. Our natural mosquito control barrier protection spray is applied about every two weeks, offering about an 80% reduction in mosquitoes around your home.
In addition to our periodic mosquito control sprays, we also offer an automatic mosquito control misting system for residential or commercial purposes, and special event sprays for any outdoor occasion.
The only incorrect choice in mosquito control, is not choosing Mosquito Squad of Nashville.
Call Mosquito Squad of Nashville, the area’s most trusted mosquito control company. Contact us at (615) 492-3662.