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Are There More Spiders in Autumn?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 9, 2024

Are There More Spiders in Autumn?

Noticing more spiders around your home at the end of summer and start of fall?

There’s a reason for that! While you might see more spiders in autumn, it doesn’t mean there are suddenly more of them on your property. Spiders that hatch early in the year grow to their full size by autumn, which makes them more noticeable. They have sustained themselves on plentiful spring and summer insects, but now it’s time to make their fall journey. To where?

Spiders Invade Your Private Spaces in the Fall

As the days shorten and weather cools, spiders, like many other pests, begin their journeys toward our homes. Spiders are larger and will become more visible in autumn, giving us the notion that they have somehow miraculously multiplied very recently. There are not more spiders than before, so much as they are just now making themselves known.

You might notice far more spider webs in autumn for two reasons:

  • Spiders are seeking shelter from cold weather to come
  • They feed on insects that also seek shelter in our homes in early autumn

How Can We Stop Spiders From Entering Our Homes in Autumn

Mosquito Squad of Nashville can help you stop spiders in their tracks in two ways. First, is regular barrier and spot treatments for your property. Continued spider control during the springtime and summer will ensure that there are fewer of them migrating to your home in autumn. But there’s more!

Spider Control That Lasts for Months?

Around the start of November, it will be time to implement the second phase of our spider control plan. This includes an application of granular pest control for your yard. This out-of-season pest control service will release very gradually, helping treat spiders, as well as other ground dwelling pests like fleas, ticks, gnats, chiggers, and more.

Our autumn pest control is your winter protection plan, not only treating pests in the fall, but assuring there’ll be fewer pests that emerge next spring too!

Search for Franklin pest control and choose Mosquito Squad of Nashville.

Mosquito Squad of Nashville offers comprehensive mosquito control, as well as other pest control services, including spider control, tick control and flea control.

Learn more about Mosquito Squad, trusted pest control in Franklin TN. Call (615) 492-3662

Also read: Mosquito Control for Outdoor Parties

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