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Pest Control Gallatin TN for Mosquitoes, Fleas, and Ticks

If you are looking for Gallatin TN pest control for mosquitoes and ticks, trust Mosquito Squad of Nashville for guaranteed protection.

Summer County’s own small-town gem, Gallatin TN, is a haven of respite for young professionals and growing families. With the conveniences of neighboring Nashville and sought-after suburban living in Gallatin, it’s no wonder that pests make their homes there too. Where there are humans, pets, and ample wildlife critters, there too reside blood-seeking ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. They require mammalian blood to reproduce and a choice of shelter beneath your landscaping materials, shrubs, and on the wooded perimeter of your property. That’s why Mosquito Squad’s pest control in Gallatin TN is also sought-after.

Mosquito Pest Control Gallatin TN

There are storebought items aplenty when it comes to controlling mosquitoes around our homes. From wearable devices and sprays to flammable torches and candles, all are touted effective. But are they? Aside from lack of efficacy, we must also remember that items we purchase must also be used. Many bottles and devices end up in junk drawers, stored in medicine cabinets, and often are simply forgotten. Mosquito Squad’s own barrier protection mosquito pest control treatments are 100% guaranteed. Our EPA-registered mosquito control provides up to a 90% reduction in mosquitoes on your property. Our natural Gallatin mosquito control formula can offer about an 80 to 82% reduction in mosquitoes outside your home. The best part is, they work for three weeks and two weeks at a time, respectively. While you are apt to forget to spray yourself and your kids before going outside, your Mosquito Squad Gallatin pest control technician will never forget to treat your yard. If you have pastureland or an expansive yard, you can also choose to have us install our automatic mosquito control misting system, which works around the clock to protect what is yours.

Gallatin TN Tick Pest Control

Tennessee ticks can bite Gallatin residents any time of year. The temperatures need only warm up on a late fall or winter day for ticks to quest for a blood meal. That is why Mosquito Squad not only offers barrier protection spray for tick control in Gallatin, but also tick tubes when ticks are out of their peak season. Tick tubes are ingenious tick-fighting instruments, which are placed around your property where ground rodents make their homes. Why rodents? Because they like to make their homes comfy and cozy in the cool seasons. Our tick control tubes are filled with just the thing they need – cotton. This cotton is pre-treated with a tick eliminating formula, which is not harmful to the rodents. Any tick that contacts the scrounging rodent or the cotton will die, resulting in fewer springtime ticks emerging around your home.

Gallatin Flea Exterminators

We would be remiss to not mention the potential for flea infestations around your Gallatin TN home. Fleas are small, but tough critters, who unlike their creeping, blood-sucking tick counterparts, will jump onto their preferred host to obtain blood. And perhaps by the time you witness the first adult flea on your pet or around your home, you are already experiencing an infestation outside your home. Fleas are much easier to prevent than get rid of, so we offer the ultimate flea-fighting formula in two ways. Firstly, we will find your flea problem and knock it down. Then, we will continue to help you keep your Gallatin TN yard free of fleas thereafter. Don’t worry if you cannot tell where the fleas are hiding. Our technicians are trained to get to the source of your flea infestation!

Call (615) 492-3662 to learn more about, Mosquito Squad of Nashville’s proven and effective pest control Gallatin TN!

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