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TN Ticks Are Emerging, Engage Tick Control Pros Now

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

TN Ticks Are Emerging, Engage Tick Control Pros Now

Everybody is getting outdoors here in Tennessee. Tick control and protection are essential as we venture out once more.

Ahhh, fresh air and sunshine! The birds are singing, frogs croaking, and Murfreesboro TN residents are emerging from their winter homes to seek respite among nature. They are also getting down to business with outdoor tasks around the home. No matter what is bringing you outdoors, you should know…you are not alone! Be mindful of emerging TN ticks, who are also coming out of their winter homes, and are looking for a much-needed blood meal. Sadly, you, your family member, or your pet could be on the menu.

Enlist Professional Murfreesboro Tick Control At Home

If you haven’t already spoken with the pros at Mosquito Squad of Nashville, now is the time to call for our proven effective Murfreesboro tick control. Is tick control and protection really that important? Well, the TN Department of Health says, “Yes.”

Reported by News Channel 11 in neighboring Johnson City, the Tennessee Department of Health is warning people to be aware of ticks as warmer weather across Tennessee is a serious trigger for Murfreesboro tick emergence.

With the warmer temperatures comes the pursuit of outdoor activities after being indoors throughout much of the winter. To avoid being bitten by a tick, avoid the areas where they are most frequently found in Murfreesboro, such as grassy, brushy and wooded areas where there is dense overgrown vegetation.

For Murfreesboro outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy hiking, you should always stick to the center of the trail as the well-travelled pathways are less likely to harbor these pests. To prepare for your outdoor adventure, the best repellent for ticks is two-fold: spray DEET containing repellent on exposed skin and permethrin containing repellent over clothing and shoes before venturing outside. Once you reach your hiking destination, tuck pants into boots or socks to make it difficult for ticks to come directly into contact with your skin.

After the hike, perform a tick check when back at home. Should you discover one, don’t panic, but act quickly. Remove it with a pair of tweezers by grabbing the head of the tick closest to the skin and ensure that you remove all parts of the tick’s mouth that may have penetrated the skin. Be sure not to crush it. It would also be wise to inform your physician that you have been bitten and inquire about next steps.

Murfreesboro Tick Control Can Reduce The Number Of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Cases In Tennessee

One of the diseases ticks can spread is Rocky Mountain spotted fever, caused by the bacterium Rickettsia Rickettsii. Symptoms of RMSF include fever, headache, muscle aches, and a spotted rash. RMSF can be a severe and potentially fatal disease if not treated promptly with antibiotics.

The incidence of RMSF in Tennessee has historically been higher than in many other states, and the state has reported some of the highest numbers of cases in the US in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 66 cases of RMSF reported in Tennessee in 2019. More recently, there have been 88 probable and confirmed cases reported in 2022.

Emerging TN ticks are out for blood. Have you planned for protection? Trust the experts at Mosquito Squad of Nashville for proven and effective Murfreesboro tick control. Contact us at (615) 492-3662.

Also Read: Best Repellent for Ticks

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