Louisville Resident Suffers West Nile Virus from the Bite of an Infected Mosquito
Posted by Mosquito Squad
September 20, 2017
It’s been a busy year in Kentucky for the mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus. We have had four human cases already, and we still have plenty of warm weather ahead of us. One of those cases was right here in Louisville.
All four cases of West Nile in Kentucky have been in adults, who have all survived the illness. Great news as that is not always the case. On average, Kentucky will see about 10 human cases of West Nile Virus each year, and it is normal for them to occur at this time of the summer.
End of Summer = Heightened Mosquito Precautions
As you are winding down summer activities, it can be easy to let up on things like mosquito precautions and tick safety. However, this is the time of year when mosquito-borne diseases usually rear their ugly heads.
West Nile Virus is transmitted in the spring to birds from over-wintering mosquitoes who are infected. It takes some time for the virus to be prevalent enough in birds and mosquitoes to make its way to a human. This fact is why it is usually later in the summer when it begins to show up. We typically see it in mosquitoes in late July and people and larger mammals by late August and September.
Now is the time of year to remember the 5 Ts of mosquito control for your yard and use repellent containing DEET when you are out in untreated areas like parks, playgrounds, the woods, camping or hiking. And most of all, know the symptoms of West Nile Virus, so you can seek medical help as soon as possible. While there is no vaccine or specific treatment for West Nile, it is important to seek medical intervention for managing symptoms and watching for the development of severe West Nile which can become neurological.
Be sure to call Mosquito Squad of Louisville to limit your exposure to mosquito bites at home. Our mosquito barrier treatment reduces mosquitoes on your property by up to 90%.