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Will Mosquito Control Halt Dengue on Long Island?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 15, 2024

Will Mosquito Control Halt Dengue on Long Island?

Dengue, a mosquito-borne illness common to tropical and subtropical regions, has been diagnosed on Long Island. Will mosquito control help?

Long Island mosquito control will not halt the spread of Dengue, but there is a good explanation why. The 16 cases of Dengue fever on Long Island as of July 2024, were not contracted locally. It has been confirmed that all afflictions stem from travel to areas, which have Dengue infected mosquitoes. The good news is that to-date, Long Island mosquitoes, or any U.S. mosquitoes, are not carriers of Dengue. While our Long Island mosquito control is not going to prevent cases of Dengue fever, there are concerns regarding other mosquito-borne illnesses that can be found in our region.

Is West Nile virus on Long Island?

As of July 2024, there have been confirmed West Nile virus infected mosquitoes in our area. It is not a foregone conclusion that locally infected mosquitoes will result in confirmed cases of WNV in humans. It is actually possible for humans to be infected with West Nile virus without even knowing it. Mild cases of the illness in humans could result in fever, rash, body aches. These symptoms typically show up with in a few days to two weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Severe cases could entail an abrupt onset of high fever, stiff neck, convulsions, tremors, neurological symptoms, and swelling of the brain. If you have been bitten by a mosquito and experience any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention to rule in or rule out West Nile virus.

Reports show that since 2000, confirmed cases of West Nile Virus in New York had a 7% fatality rate – 37 deaths, 490 confirmed cases.

EEE is Another Concern on Long Island.

Eastern Equine encephalitis is a much more dangerous mosquito-borne illness that is of concern in our region. There have only been 11 confirmed cases of EEE in New York since the 70’s. However, three of those cases were confirmed in 2015. Like WNV, Eastern Equine encephalitis does not have a vaccine, nor treatment method. Unlike other vector-borne illnesses, viral conditions cannot be treated with antibiotics. Those most at risk for EEE are individuals under the age of 15 and older than 65.

Every case of EEE in New York in 2015 was fatal.

Long Island Mosquito Control, Defend Against Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

The only methods of defense against mosquito diseases are taking proactive measures to reduce your chances of getting mosquito bites. There are a few ways to do this.

Yard Maintenance to Reduce Mosquito Breeding

There is no way to eliminate 100% of the mosquitoes on your property, but there are ways to help allay mosquito breeding. Keeping your lawn cut low, and performing typical clean-up tasks outside your home or business will help make your property less mosquito friendly. These things include cleaning gutters, picking up leaf debris and grass clippings, covering rain barrels, not overwatering your lawn or gardens, emptying any outdoor items that contain stagnant water.

Personal Mosquito Repellents, Protective Measures Away From Home

Whether you are visiting a beach, going camping, or hiking Paumanok Path, it is important that you prepare for the presence of mosquitoes. If possible, wear long sleeves and pants. Otherwise, it is essential that you use a personal mosquito repellent. According to the CDC, the most effective repellents are DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or natural solutions like oil of lemon eucalyptus, PMD, or 2-undecanone. It is also advisable to hike or camp with gear and clothing treated with permethrin.

Mosquito Control by Mosquito Squad of Long Island

New York officials and the CDC additionally recommend at-home mosquito control measures with an EPA-registered formula, especially from July through September. That’s where Mosquito Squad comes in! Our mosquito control services will help reduce up to 80-90% of the mosquito population on your property. And you will not be burdened with trying to treat your yard on your own – we’ll do it all for you. Our highly trained mosquito control technicians will seek out breeding hot spots on your property and offer solutions for breaking them up. After that, our mosquito control solution will be applied throughout, offering two to three weeks of protection between treatments.

You needn’t ever call for your next treatment. You’ll be on our regular rotation for proactive protection throughout the season!

Search mosquito control and choose Mosquito Squad.

Don’t trust your tick and mosquito control on Long Island or throughout the area to anyone else. Mosquito Squad’s mosquito control products, methodologies, and knowledgeable technicians will ensure that your outdoor spaces are transformed into the relaxing environments they were meant to be for up to three weeks at a time! Call Mosquito Squad of Long Island at (631) 203-1252 to begin.

Also read: Is it time to start my Long Island mosquito treatments?

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