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New Focus on Tick Control as Powassan Virus Hits Northeast Again

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

New Focus on Tick Control as Powassan Virus Hits Northeast Again

As the summer begins to approach its end, there is no more important time to stay vigilant about the dangerous insects that call our region home. Yes, summer is winding down, but ticks will remain a significant threat to health and outdoor lifestyles through the end of summer and into the fall. Despite what you might think, ticks don’t just vanish when the weather begins to cool. Ticks are extremely resilient creatures, and they won’t disappear until temperatures are around freezing. So, while fall might be seen as the time when these creatures will vanish, think again. Although much of the tick season has passed, we are still at the peak in August, and dangerous tick-borne diseases have been detected in patients in recent times. For example, a few cases of Powassan virus have been discovered in the Northeast in recent weeks. Powassan virus is notoriously dangerous, and one patient tragically passed due to their infection. Another, a three-year-old boy, thankfully recovered from his infection, but his case still highlights the importance of conducting tick checks. Unlike Lyme disease, which can take 24 to 48 hours to transmit, Powassan virus can infect a victim within 15 minutes, a scarily short time frame. So, every time you go outside this summer, stay wary of any crawling sensations and make sure to conduct a full tick check, preferably with the help of a friend or family member.

Babylon tick control is important this summer and fall

While this might seem like a hassle, the downside of contracting a tick-borne disease can be catastrophic for your long-term health. Don’t take risks! Powassan virus is known for causing encephalitis, a swelling of the brain and central nervous system. As you can expect, this ailment is extraordinarily dangerous, meaning any precautions you can take are hugely important.

A trusted source for Babylon tick control

At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked diligently since 2005 to ensure our customers are defended against ticks and the diseases that often accompany them. With the help of our highly trained technicians and our barrier protection spray, we can guarantee a dramatic and pronounced reduction in the tick population on your property. Treatments every two weeks, included in our premium protection program, will keep you defended throughout the end of summer and through the fall.

Powassan virus has reappeared in the Northeast. To keep you and your loved ones defended, Mosquito Squad of Long Island provides powerful and proven Babylon tick control. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.

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