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Tick Control, does it Permanently Eliminate Ticks

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Tick Control, does it Permanently Eliminate Ticks

The presence of ticks in your backyard is more than just a nuisance; it poses a real threat to the health and safety of your family and pets due to the diseases these pests carry. Lyme disease being one of these. The million-dollar question, however, is whether tick control treatments can permanently eliminate ticks from your property. The answer, simply put, is no. However, consistent care will keep the vast majority of ticks away.

At Mosquito Squad of Long Island, our tick control treatments are guaranteed to dramatically reduce the tick population on your property. While complete eradication might be an overreach, consistent treatments throughout the summer will disrupt the tick life cycle in your yard, reducing their population and their associated risks substantially.

The power of consistent tick control treatments

Ticks are resilient creatures. You have to be tough for your species to survive on Earth for roughly 100 million years! In addition to their resilience, ticks can reproduce rapidly, making them a tough pest to control. However, regular and consistent treatments will help in keeping their population at bay. Our team at Mosquito Squad of Long Island specializes in providing solutions that are not just effective for immediate tick reduction but also work to disrupt the lifecycle of these pests.

Professional tick control treatments are the most effective form of tick control, but there are DIY methods that can also help in maintaining a yard that isn’t hospitable to ticks. These methods complement professional treatments, enhancing the overall effectiveness of tick control.

1. Maintain a Clean Yard

One of the simplest and most effective methods to deter ticks is by maintaining a clean yard. Ticks are often found in leaf litter, tall grass, and overgrown bushes. Regular yard maintenance, such as mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes, and removing leaf litter and yard waste, can go a long way in reducing the number of hiding places for ticks.

2. Use Cedar Chips

Ticks are not fond of cedar. By placing cedar chips around the boundary of your property, especially around the play and recreational areas, you can create a natural barrier against ticks.

3. Protect Wildlife Areas

Ticks often come into yards via wildlife, especially deer. If you live near wooded areas, consider installing deer-proof fencing. You can also discourage wildlife from entering your yard by not leaving any food out, which includes securing your garbage cans properly.

4. Grow Tick-Repelling Plants

Certain plants, such as lavender, garlic, mint, and rosemary, are known to repel ticks. Consider incorporating these into your landscaping to add an extra layer of defense against these pests.

While DIY methods are helpful, professional tick control is essential to effectively manage the tick population in your yard. The expertise and advanced treatments provided by Mosquito Squad of Long Island ensure that every nook and cranny of your property is defended against ticks and the threats they carry.

While tick control might not permanently eliminate ticks, the combination of professional tick treatments and DIY prevention measures can make your yard a far less hospitable place for these pests. With consistent tick control treatments, your yard will be a sanctuary against ticks. Trust Mosquito Squad of Long Island to defend your outdoor spaces and aid your outdoor lifestyle. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.

Also read: When to Start Tick Control in Long Island

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