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NY Tick Research Confirms Urgent Need for Tick Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

NY Tick Research Confirms Urgent Need for Tick Control

This summer season, are you planning on spending lots of time outside? We are fortunate to have amazing summers in the Northeast, but not all is well in our part of the world. Yes, the weather is great and there are many summer activities to tackle, but a parasite is roaming our region, looking for unsuspecting victims. Living in Long Island probably means you’ve heard a great deal about ticks over the past years, but now there is even more reason for concern regarding these insects. When we think of ticks and the dangers they pose to our health, most often we think about Lyme disease, which is responsible for 300,000 to 400,000 cases every year in the United States. While this illness is easily the most common tick-borne disease in the country, researchers are beginning to express concern that other diseases are also on the rise. Lyme disease in Long Island is dangerous enough, but other illnesses transmitted by ticks are even riskier to contract.

Why is tick control essential this summer and fall?

In 2022, researchers are discovering elevated levels of the tick-borne bacteria that cause anaplasmosis and babesiosis in Long Island. From 2019 to 2020, researchers saw babesia (the bacteria responsible for babesiosis) occurrence in samples go from 2.9% to 12.8%, and saw anaplasma (the bacteria responsible for anaplasmosis) occurrence in tick samples go from 2.5% to 7.3%. These are both dramatic jumps over the course of a single year. Why are these pathogens so concerning, though? Neither of these diseases has clear indicators like the rash associated with Lyme disease, so detection can be difficult. Further, healthcare providers are often unfamiliar with tick-borne diseases, making an accurate diagnosis less likely. For those with compromised immune systems, both diseases can be life-threatening, emphasizing the importance of tick control

Tick control from your local experts

Don’t let ticks keep you away from the outdoors this summer. Yes, ticks are a threat to your health, but you can defend against them with the help of professional tick control from the experts at Mosquito Squad. We’ve been defending customers against ticks since 2005 and we’re still going strong. With the help of our highly trained technicians and our barrier protection spray, we can guarantee a dramatic and pronounced reduction in the tick population on your property. With the biweekly treatments included in our premium protection program, you can enjoy the outdoors without worry throughout the months when ticks are active.

Anaplasmosis and babesiosis are on the rise in Long Island. For tick control that is proven to get results, trust the experts at Mosquito Squad of Long Island. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.

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