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Long Island Ticks Can Take a Hayride to Your Door

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Long Island Ticks Can Take a Hayride to Your Door

Have you ever wondered why Long Island has so many ticks?

If you have not encountered an exorbitant number of ticks around your Long Island home, count yourself fortunate. There are many factors at play concerning the high number of ticks in the area. The first being climate change. Where once there was a defined “tick season” in Long Island, those lines are blurred. Shorter, milder winters and longer warm weather seasons have given us not only an influx in the number of ticks but have also brought new tick species to our area. Long Island is now home to three main species – the deer tick, American dog tick, and Lone Star tick. Another factor upping these stats is deforestation. Wildlife is living closer to our homes due to urban sprawl, thereby bringing ticks to our doorsteps.

Why are there so many ticks in Long Island this time of year?

Ticks live here in Long Island for sure, but more can be carried in. Wildlife, as noted above, can be carriers. And while quail eat ticks, birds can carry ticks into your yard. Pets can bring ticks close to your home too. Even we humans can inadvertently introduce unwanted ticks to areas in and around our homes. Days at the beach, or those spent hiking, can result in our transporting potentially harmful ticks.

Another way we can encounter more ticks around our homes is by installing outdoor seasonal plants and décor. Springtime landscaping updates can result in ticks invading our private spaces. So too, can the installation of haybales, corn stalks, and all things fall that we love to decorate outdoor spaces with. Not only that, but pumpkins and other gourds can entice wildlife to come snack on your front stoop, brining stowaway ticks with them. That’s why it is of the utmost importance to continue your Long Island tick control not just in springtime and summer, but also in the fall and winter.

Fall tips for Long Island tick control and protection

Yard maintenance goes a long way toward making your yard a bit less tick friendly. Continue to mow your lawn as long as it continues to grow in the fall. But also…

  • Do not allow fallen leaves to accumulate in your yard or gutters.
  • When you rake leaves, bag them immediately and remove them from your property.
  • If you, your children, or your pets play in leaf piles, perform a thorough tick check afterwards. If you find a tick, dispose of it properly.
  • Call on Mosquito Squad of Long Island for continued tick treatments around your home.

See the CDC’s recommendations for tick removal here.

Ticks can hitch a ride right to your front door on wildlife, haybales, and landscaping materials. Be sure you are protected. Consult Mosquito Squad of Long Island for effective year-round tick control. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.

Also Read: Do ticks live by the water?

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