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Let’s Talk About the Birds and the Ticks

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Let’s Talk About the Birds and the Ticks

Ticks are a massive problem in our region. Due to a variety of environmental factors, these tiny parasites are responsible for the explosive spread of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases throughout the Northeast every year. Indeed, estimates suggest somewhere between 300,000 and 400,000 people in the United States contract Lyme disease every year, throwing our sense of safety and ability to enjoy the outdoors out of whack.

Huntington tick control for your outdoor enjoyment

Ticks are highly adept at latching onto their victims and can stay attached for up to 10 days at a time, and what makes matters worse is they can be hard to see. While adult ticks may be roughly the size of a pea, a nymph tick that hasn’t yet reached maturity can be the size of a poppy seed, nearly imperceptible if you’re not looking for it. These tiny nymphs, typically of the deer tick variety, are largely responsible for infecting humans throughout the U.S. It is important to consider how one might defend against these creatures. This question has been a topic of intense discussion for years, especially now that tick-borne diseases are more common than ever, so what answers are there? For one Long Island town, Port Washington, authorities have enlisted the help of northern bobwhite quail to battle the growing tick populations. Quail are specialists in identifying insects for a quick meal; they eat ticks in abundance. Unfortunately, these birds have declined due to the introduction of creatures like feral cats, so our natural tick control isn’t in great shape, thus explaining the need to release quail into the wild in large numbers. Over the next weeks, a total of 900 northern bobwhite quail will have been released to reduce the tick population. However, there’s no guarantee such methods will be an adequate defense for you and your yard. That’s where professional tick control comes into play.

Who to trust for Huntington tick control

For nearly 20 years, the professionals at Mosquito Squad have worked diligently to ensure our customers don’t have to face the threat of ticks alone. With the help of our highly trained technicians and our barrier protection spray, we can guarantee results that you can rely on. Included in our premium protection plan, biweekly treatments will ensure you are defended throughout the summer and fall, when ticks remain active. Don’t live in fear of your yard. We’re here to help!

Quail are a natural predator of ticks, but their numbers are waning. For Huntington tick control that is proven effective, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Long Island. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.

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