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Can You Get Ticks from Birds?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Can You Get Ticks from Birds?

Every single year, we are subjected to new disease and illness variations. The flu and the common cold are examples of a wide array of such diseases that circulate through our population each year, and sometimes we get these diseases from other animals. Diseases that can pass from animals to humans can be especially hazardous, and bird flu is one of them. In recent days, scientists have recognized the presence of bird flu in noncommercial poultry in Long Island. Bird flu, when transmitted to humans, has a mortality rate of roughly 60%, which explains why this virus’s presence in Long Island is so troubling. Fortunately, bird flu cases are quite rare in the U.S., with less than 1,000 confirmed cases in the country each year. What this virus does remind us of, though, is the ability of birds to carry diseases that can be devastating to human health.

Lyme disease is one of the diseases that birds can carry and introduce to regions around the country. Although birds cannot directly infect humans, the ticks that latch onto birds for blood meals can. You may have heard of Lyme disease in the news – and for good reason. Lyme disease is curable with antibacterial medications, but roughly 90% of Lyme disease cases go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, which leaves the door open for chronic infections. With effects that range from swollen joints to short-term memory loss, Lyme disease is nothing to mess with. Considering that ticks carrying the disease can be transported to your property by birds, there is reason to be concerned. Fortunately, there are excellent tick control solutions available to you.

How to avoid Long Island NY ticks

As if tick bites weren’t unpleasant enough, contracting a disease from one is even worse. Lyme disease is the leading vector-borne disease in the U.S., with a suspected 300,000 people contracting the disease every year. Take this threat seriously. Professional tick control is the only way to ensure you and your property are defended against ticks. At Mosquito Squad, defending against ticks is one of our specialties. Using a barrier protection mist, which is available in our original and natural formulas, we will treat your property’s perimeter and tick habitat to provide long-lasting defense. Each of our treatments lasts up to 21 days, and a biweekly treatment with our premium protection program will ensure you are defended through each month with high tick activity.

Some Long Island NY ticks most assuredly come from birds, which is one explanation for such high Lyme disease rates in our region. To receive comprehensive tick defense, trust Mosquito Squad of Long Island. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.

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