Huntington Tick Control: Because Tiny Ticks are a Big Problem
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

Do you ever take a moment to think about the vast scale of life on our planet? Despite our best efforts, we know very little about the sheer volume of living things on Earth, from micro to macro-organisms. As one of the larger animals on the planet, humans are much more capable of identifying and studying creatures that are visible to us, and smaller creatures go largely unnoticed by humans daily. Every day, we encounter billions of organisms that are largely invisible to the naked eye, and not all are friendly.
Ticks are one of these unfriendly animals. Although adult ticks are relatively easy to find as they can reach roughly the size of a pencil eraser, their younger counterparts are far more difficult to discover. Indeed, ticks can come in a range of sizes, and their nymph form is one of their smallest. No larger than a poppy seed, nymph ticks are the precursor to adult ticks, which take 2-3 years to fully develop. Such a long developmental stage is dangerous for a few reasons. Despite their small size, nymph ticks require blood meals just like adults, which means many come in contact with diseases early in their life cycle. Mice and deer are prime food sources for ticks of all sizes, spelling trouble for tick victims later. Both of these animals are recognized as two main reservoirs for Lyme disease in the natural world. Once a tick becomes infected with the disease, it can spread the disease to subsequent meals.
In its nymph form, deer ticks are one of the main culprits for Lyme disease in the nation. Lyme disease takes anywhere from roughly 24-48 hours to transmit to the victim, so the ticks that are small and can avoid detection are far more likely to infect humans. Considering a nymph deer tick is no larger than a poppy seed, they are incredibly hard to find. Even if you are on the lookout for them, they can easily stay hidden. To defend against this hidden threat, make sure you consider tick control from the professionals at Mosquito Squad.
Your source for Huntington tick control
Lyme disease, and other tick-borne diseases, can be debilitating to your health, so make sure you’re taking precautions. Taking risks with your health isn’t an option. Fortunately, Mosquito Squad has the tools to defend you from ticks throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Ever since our founding in 2005, we’ve been demonstrating our commitment to defending our neighbors from ticks. Nearly 20 years of experience delivering comprehensive tick control has established us as an industry leader, and our professionals are always available to service your needs. Using our barrier protection mist, which is also available in our natural formula, we will treat your property’s perimeter and any potential tick hot spots for long-lasting defense. With our premium protection program, treatments every two weeks will ensure that your health and outdoor living experiences are defended.
Poppy seed-sized nymph deer ticks are the main cause of Lyme disease in humans. To avoid encountering these tiny disease spreaders, contact the Huntington tick control experts at Mosquito Squad of Long Island. Give us a call at (631) 203-1252.