The Year of the Mosquito

Posted by Mosquito Squad

January 18, 2017

I just read in the news today that the Mayor of Miami declared 2016 as the “Year of the Mosquito”. Certainly, Miami had a lot going on last year, but being the first city to have broken the cycle of Zika was a highlight for Miami’s leader.

While Adam and I completed our Mosquito Squad training in December of 2016, we were both excited about how our peers were starting franchises all over the globe. The corporate team was thrilled to add Puerto Rico and its unique challenges and the wonderful family that would own and operate the franchise there. It is good to know that local success is generating global expansion into areas of great need.

We trained with new franchisees in Miami and other areas of Florida, so we had the opportunity to have conversations with people that were dealing with the imminent threat of Zika to the health of their community and indirectly to their economic life blood of tourism. Many communities from the state of Texas were expanding rapidly as well, trying to stay ahead of the curve.

As we try to grow the Mosquito Squad of Lexington over the course of the next few years, we hope to be able to look back on 2016 as the year we decided to take on the mosquito. Our simple vision is to provide many mosquito free seasons for our customers and in so doing, we will also be reducing the population of mosquitoes for all of Central Kentucky. We want to establish a culture that can defeat the mosquito together with our customers.

If we execute that vision, then hopefully, Central Kentucky will never experience the “Year of the Mosquito”.

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