The Invention of the Mosquito Barrier
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

Plato declared “Necessity is the mother of invention.” We wouldn’t be able to tell the story of how we invented the premium barrier treatment for our happy customers without first introducing man’s deadliest predator. The mosquito is the cause for our invention as they are entirely too persistent in getting what they need. Food (our blood) and water (old set of tires we keep behind the shed).
Why Mosquito Squad Created The Premium Barrier Treatment
The mosquito will continue to feed and reproduce rapidly once temperatures rise above 55 degrees. If we don’t stay ahead of their reproduction rate we will see larger increases during the peak season. This is where mosquitoes can not be managed with misting aerosol cans and lighting tiki torches. Spray any home remedy or DIY project to keep them away and we may put a dent in their population, but we won’t reach the comfort we seek.
In the early 2000’s Mosquito Squad started because an outdoor lighting crew was having trouble installing their system without getting eaten alive by the killer mosquitoes. This was the “mother” of the barrier treatment.
Once mosquitoes prevented hard working people from working hard, we had to find a solution. Mosquito Squad worked with suppliers to design a pesticide safe enough for people, pets, and plants that could also eliminate the harmful mosquitoes and prevent the diseases they can transfer.
The hard workers were able to get back to work because of the one-two punch our barrier delivers. Not only does it knock down the current infestation, it also provides a light residual to prevent mosquitoes from using the targeted foliage to rest on. Thus keeping the mosquitoes from getting to the food and water sources on the property.
Many companies have started up because of our barrier treatment and we are glad to have allies in the fight against the bite. We are always here to help with any expertise we can provide on how to deliver a quality and effective mosquito repellent mist.
Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
One thing we didn’t invent was the set of tires or the old dog bowl that will breed mosquitoes if left out for a few days after a rain. Although our exclusive barrier treatment has an effective one-two punch, our trained technicians removing standing water and applying larvicide goes a long way in staying protected with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.