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Don’t Fall Victim to Autumn Ticks

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Don’t Fall Victim to Autumn Ticks

Fall ticks are on the move, and we don’t mean they’re heading south for the winter.

Ticks are always around, even here in Massachusetts. Of course, they might not be moving about in the late fall and winter, as temperatures drop for good, but that does not mean they are gone. And let’s face it, autumn is a beautiful season in the Northeast. Who wouldn’t want to be outdoors for crisp fall days filled with warming sunshine? Like fall ticks, Massachusetts residents are on the move this time of year, and they are meandering right into typical tick habitats. Whether it’s a day of woodland hiking, or an afternoon of jumping into leaf piles in the yard – you run the risk of encountering ticks in the fall. And these are not just any ticks. They’re bloodthirsty females, seeking their final blood meal before they overwinter.

Can you contract Lyme disease any time of year?

You could become a deer tick’s tasty victim, thereby contracting Lyme disease in the fall. Believe it or not, you can get Lyme disease in the winter too! Nymph ticks are more active in the springtime and are much harder to see than adult ticks, so we run a greater risk of having these ticks attached to us unnoticed. In the fall and maybe winter too, adult ticks are out for blood. You might be less likely to get Lyme disease in the fall and winter because adult ticks are much easier to see than nymphs, but we cannot rule anything out. Remain vigilant all year long.

MASSACHUSETTS TICKS Q&A: Are ticks more plentiful in the fall? They are not. Adult ticks are easier to see, and are more active in the fall, giving the illusion that there are more of them.

Tips for not becoming a tick’s next meal in the fall:

Precaution is key when it comes to avoiding ticks and the potentially harmful diseases they carry. This stands true in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Here’s how you can remain protected in the fall.

  • Keep your yard free of fallen leaves, and don’t simply rake them into to piles – dispose of them.
  • If you spend time outdoors at home or away from home, do a complete tick check.
  • If you hike, camp, or do yard work, you can place your clothing directly into the dryer, and run it for 10 minutes on high heat.
  • Call on Mosquito Squad of Leominster to deploy tick tubes throughout your property to help keep you protected from ticks in the fall and winter, and also reduce the number of ticks that emerge next spring.

Don’t become a victim of a potentially harmful tick this fall. At Mosquito Squad, we provide Leominster tick control that will keep your property defended against ticks all year long. Give us a call at (978) 321-2670.

Also Read: Are tick-borne disease on the rise in Massachusetts?

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