Every year, tens of thousands of people are affected by tick bites. Ticks
transmit dangerous diseases to both people and pets. Because their bites
don't itch or hurt, ticks often go undetected after biting something,
and they feed on hosts' blood for days or weeks, allowing them to spread
throughout your yard. Getting rid of ticks is a challenge and often requires
a professional treatment. Our tick control treatment drastically reduces
the number of ticks in your yard and keeps them away for weeks. If you're
not sure whether this service is for you, have us visit your home and
provide a free, no-hassle evaluation and estimate. Our knowledgeable team
welcomes any questions you have, and if you decide you don't want a treatment,
that's fine, too. If you don't want synthetic chemicals used in your yard,
we also offer organic tick control solutions, which are quite effective.
We start off by applying a barrier treatment. We're using high-powered backpack
mist blowers to treatment an EPA-registered, time-released solution in areas
where pests and ticks tend to gather. The solution immediately kills them,
and it continues killing them for up to 21 days. This effective treatment
doesn't take long to finish. For an average-size home, we can finish the
job in 15 to 20 minutes.
The next step is laying tick tubes in the yard. Our team is very careful
about where they place the tubes, careful positioning is the reason why
we get such good results. Mice are attracted to the treated cotton inside
the tube, and then when the ticks try to feed on the mice's blood, the
ticks are eliminated fast. To complete the job, we locate all tick breeding
areas and then remove or treat them.
Remember, you're always covered by our money-back guarantee, it doesn't
matter if you're new or have been using us for years. If a treatment doesn't
give you the results you expected, tell us and we'll give you all your
money back with no hassle.
We offer an naturalbarrier treatment for customers who prefer
not having synthetic chemicals misted on their yards. The solution is
made in-house and we're always searching for ways to improve it, so you
can rest assured you're getting the best possible treatment. Our organic
solution repels between 65 to 80 percent of ticks and mosquitoes and continues
working for up to 14 days. By giving off a scent that repels pests, this
solution keeps pests away from your yard without trying to kill them.
But while the solution has a smell that pests detect, people won't be
able to smell it within one day after a treatment.
To learn more about our services and about how Mosquito Squad can protect
you along with your family, friends, and pets from ticks and mosquitoes
call (978) 321-2670.