Ticks multiple quickly, especially if you have pets in the home, as their
bites are painless and often unnoticeable. Once you notice ticks jumping
around your property, it’s likely that you already have a serious
problem on your hands. Using over the counter products, such as bug repellent,
kills a small number of ticks, but doesn’t fix the core issue. Our
proven treatments rid your home of tick nesting areas and create a protective
barrier around your yard, reducing the tick population by about 85 to
90 percent. Mosquito Squad of Central Massachusetts offers short-term
and long-term protection options. Call us today for a quick chat with
a specialist to determine which treatment method best addresses your needs.
Our comprehensive tick treatment begins with a barrier treatment—a powerful
treatment that eliminates ticks and mosquitoes. We’ll mist typical
pest-gathering areas, such as tall grass and the bottom of fences and
walls, with an EPA-registered solution using professional-quality backpack
mist blowers. Next, we mist the border of your yard, creating an invisible
barrier that mosquitoes and ticks avoid. A traditional barrier treatment kills
85-90 percent of ticks and mosquitoes shortly after we apply the time-released
solution, which continues protecting your yard for up to 21 days.
If you’re looking for a gentler treatment, ask our team to use our
organic, in-house repellent. We create the repellent from a formula that
we refine annually, and it’s made of essential oils chosen for their
repellent qualities. This eco-friendly mist repels pests but doesn’t
aim to kill them. The mist works for up to two weeks and repels up to
80 percent of ticks, as well as other pests including ants, spiders, gnats,
and fleas.
We also search your yard for mosquito and tick-breeding areas, which are
treated or removed to rid the yard of young pests. For further protection,
we set tick tubes throughout your yard. These biodegradable tick tubes
kill pests for up to six months, and they work by using mice as insecticide
delivery vessels. Inside each tick tube is cotton with insecticide, which
mice gather to build shelter. As ticks bite the mice to feed on their
blood, they absorb the insecticide and die. Mature female ticks may lay
up to 3,000 eggs at once, resulting in a sizable larval and nymph population,
and these tick tubes kill ticks that could appear unexpectedly.
We offer a 100-percent money-back guarantee on our treatments. Contact
us within three weeks of your treatment, or two weeks if you request an
naturalmist, and notify us that you’re not happy with the
results. We’ll respray the yard at no cost, which is still covered
by our money-back guarantee, or issue you a full refund with no questions asked.