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Are Smaller Scorpions More Venomous?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Are Smaller Scorpions More Venomous?

Studies have shown that scorpion size does matter. Smaller scorpions are more venomous than larger varieties.

Scorpions with slender pinchers tend to be deadlier than others, according to a study published in 2022. Meanwhile, the study also showed tinier scorpions are more prone than larger ones to send their victims into shock. It revealed that the trend of smaller scorpions being more venomous than their larger counterparts likely holds true across all species of scorpions.

Of course, in terms of scorpion control, you need to plan for scorpions of all sizes. With a clear understanding of the most venomous types of scorpions, you are well equipped to protect your home against scorpions and other pests.

What scorpion has the most potent venom?

The Arizona bark scorpion is considered the most venomous scorpion in the Grand Canyon State. On top of that, the Arizona bark scorpion is the only scorpion in the state with venom that's lethal.

Unfortunately, the bark scorpion of Arizona can make its way into homes. If this happens, you need to be careful. Otherwise, an Arizona bark scorpion sting can cause numbness, swelling, and other mild and severe symptoms.

Are scorpions immune to their own venom?

One of the ongoing myths about scorpions involves them committing suicide if they exposed to fire. According to this myth, a scorpion will sting itself and die from its own venom. However, this myth is false, as scorpions are immune to their own venom.

On the other hand, a scorpion is not immune to the venom of another scorpion of the same species. Thus, a scorpion can die if it gets stung by another scorpion.

People are not immune to scorpion stings. To protect against scorpion stings, you can wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when you are outdoors in any areas where scorpions may be present. And, if you take your shoes or clothes off when you're in these areas, it is a good idea to shake them off before you put them back on.

If you are stung by a scorpion, try not to panic. In many instances, a scorpion sting only causes mild symptoms and does not require medical treatment. Conversely, if you experience severe symptoms from a scorpion sting or have concerns or questions about how to treat it, go to a doctor.

Scorpion control will reduce your chances of finding out how venomous they are for yourself.

If you are worried about the Arizona bark scorpion or other scorpion species in Las Cruces, you are not alone. Fortunately, a Las Cruces scorpion control company can help you keep the scorpion population at bay.

Initially, scorpion control company technicians visit your home and identify any spots where scorpions populate. These technicians then apply a scorpion control treatment that lasts up to three weeks. They can return to your home every few weeks to administer a fresh treatment like clockwork. When they do, they'll make sure you are well equipped to minimize the scorpion population at your home both now and in the future.

Call on Mosquito Squad of Las Cruces for all your scorpion control needs. Fill out our form online or call us at (575) 221-1787 for a free quote.

Also read: Arizona Bark Scorpion

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