How to Get Rid of Wasps Around Your Pool
Posted by Mosquito Squad
June 5, 2024

The buzzing and darting start as soon as you begin using your pool each year. Wasps around pools are not uncommon.
How many times have you been floating around or sitting beside your pool and found yourself swatting and flailing trying to rid yourself of a wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket pool-goer? The fear of being stung by one of these pests is nearly as bad as being stung, and they can certainly ruin an otherwise perfect pool day.
What attracts wasps to your pool in the first place?
Unlike other pests, which are not necessarily brought to your pool by the water itself, wasps are attracted to open water. Large bodies of water are enticing for wasps, which will come to your pool to drink. Other attractants for wasps in pool areas might be food and snacks, as well as some flowering landscaping plants. Yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets can be attracted to your water, due to the smell emitted by your saltwater system or chlorine used to treat the water.
An additional note about wasps and pools is that they often make their nests close to your pool. If you have an above ground pool, they might nest beneath the rail that encompasses the perimeter of the pool.
How do you get rid of wasps around your pool?
Trying to control wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets can be a painful exploit. Not only that but if you or a family member are allergic to their stings, it can be a dangerous affair. If you are experiencing the nuisance or literal pain of stinging pests around your backyard pool in Las Cruces, Mosquito Squad offers effective solutions. Our Las Cruces pest control for wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
Our trained and experienced Las Cruces pest control technicians have the knowledge and tools to remove nests around your home. Afterwards, they will apply our traditional barrier protection treatment around your yard and home to keep your outdoor spaces defended for up to three weeks between treatments. If you see stinging intruders anywhere around your yard, call Mosquito Squad of Las Cruces for our wasp control service.
Search for pest control near me and call Mosquito Squad.
Mosquito Squad of Las Cruces is pleased to offer fire ant control, as well as a host of additional pest control services in Las Cruces and surrounding areas. We are eager to help defend your outdoor spaces against ants and other pests. Get in touch with Mosquito Squad of Las Cruces by filling out our form online or calling us at (575) 221-1787 for a free quote.