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Pest Control in Las Cruces: Don't Do It Yourself

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Pest Control in Las Cruces: Don't Do It Yourself

Do it yourself pest control is not the best option to make your Las Cruces yard a safe, happy place to be. Call Mosquito Squad instead.

There are literally millions of pages, social media posts, and videos that claim to offer surefire do it yourself pest control measures. Some include vinegar, borax, various household detergents, and the list goes on. But, when it comes to keeping your yard safer from the threat of mosquitoes, ticks, fire ants, and wasps, are do it yourself pest control methods worth the time and effort? Are they worth the potential health risk caused by some pest bites and stings? At Mosquito Squad of Las Cruces, we certainly think not.

Do it yourself mosquito control is ineffective.

If you think do it yourself mosquito control works well, think again. To understand why, consider the effectiveness of the do it yourself mosquito control options at your disposal.

For example, some people use a combination of vinegar, mouthwash, and stale beer to combat mosquitoes. Meanwhile, others mix apple cider vinegar, water, and other ingredients into a custom blend to fight off the mosquito population. No matter what blend of ingredients you use for do it yourself pest control in Las Cruces, there is no guarantee that it'll actually work. On top of that, there's a chance you could harm the lawn at your Las Cruces home or business.

Do it yourself tick control methods that do work.

While we cannot speak to the efficacy of do it yourself tick control mixtures that are touted online, we can offer advice about ways to help prevent ticks from seeking shelter in your yard. Here are a few tips to help keep ticks away.

  • Keep your lawn cut as short as possible.
  • Move your firewood pile off the ground.
  • Don’t plant decorative grasses, which could harbor ticks.
  • Create a mulch moat separating the main areas of your yard from tree lines or forested areas.
  • Bag up fallen leaves and grass clippings and dispose of them according to local guidelines.
  • Keep wildlife out of your vegetable and flower gardens with protective barriers, such as mesh or other protective materials.

We would be remiss not to recommend professional Las Cruces tick control to solidify your tick-elimination or prevention efforts. Fighting ticks on your property is as much about proper yard spray treatments as it is about creating an environment that is unfriendly to ticks and their woodland carriers that might bring them to your property.

Do it yourself fire ant control is not wise.

Fire ant stings might be common, but they don’t have to be. There are claims of dish detergent mixtures and coffee grounds concoctions that control fire ants, but we advise you not to gamble on these would-be ant-fighting mixtures. There is no evidence that they will work.

The best way to control fire ants: hiring a fire ant control company. When you do, the company will send its fire ant control technicians to your property. These technicians can apply a fire ant control spray across your property that delivers results that last a few weeks.

Don’t get stung by do it yourself wasp control.

Purported methods of wasp removal are simply unwise. Why? Because getting myriad wasp stings in the attempt is no good way to find out that you have an allergy. At Mosquito Squad, we only recommend professional Las Cruces wasp control.

We offer an industry-leading wasp control treatment in Las Cruces. With our treatment, our pest control technicians attack wasps at the source and remove any nests from your property. Furthermore, we make sure not to harm any honey bees and other pollinators along the way. And, our wasp control treatment comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Call on Mosquito Squad for the best pest control Las Cruces including mosquito, tick, fire ant, and wasp control! Fill out our form online or call us at (575) 221-1787 for a free quote.

Also read: What attracts fire ants to your house?

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