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Everything You Need to Know About Stink Bug Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 16, 2024

Stink bugs are a common nuisance in many homes. They are especially ubiquitous during the transition from summer to fall when cooler weather outdoors pushes them to seek shelter indoors. If you’re bothered by stink bugs this season, you can count on Mosquito Squad to help you out!

Where Do Stink Bugs Live?

Stink bugs often find their way into homes through small cracks around doors, windows, and other openings. Once inside, they’ll find a place where they can sleep throughout the winter months. During this time, they’ll mostly be inactive, but they’ll also be ready to emerge when temperatures rise. This period of inactivity is known as diapause—a time when stink bugs conserve energy while waiting for warmer weather. Cold weather is extremely uncomfortable for them so they seek warm spaces within homes.

The other thing that stink bugs love about human homes is the variety of food we tend to store in our kitchens. Fruits and vegetables, particularly tomatoes, apples, and stone fruits, are among their favorites. If these items are left out or not properly disposed of, stink bugs will flock to your home to feast. Maintaining a clean kitchen environment and properly sealing trash cans are important facets of thorough stink bug prevention.

Why Do I See So Many Stink Bugs in My Home?

As summer ends and fall begins, stink bugs start to become more active in their search for a cozy spot to hibernate. Shorter days and dropping temperatures trigger their migration into homes. During this time, you may notice an increase in stink bug activity around your property. They are often seen congregating on sunny exterior walls, using the warmth to stay active a little longer before finding their way inside. Stink bugs also communicate with each other through pheromones. When one finds a suitable location, it releases a scent that attracts others. This can lead to a larger infestation if not addressed promptly.

Why Is Stink Bug Prevention Important?

Stink bugs are not directly harmful to humans, but their presence is still inconvenient and annoying. For one thing, their name refers to the disgusting odor they emit when they are disturbed. The scent can linger in the air for hours and can be incredibly difficult to remove from soft furnishings, carpets, and curtains. The pungent odor can even cling to skin and clothing.

When stink bugs invade, they tend to do so in large numbers. However, they tend to prefer hidden places, like attics, basements, and behind walls. This can make infestations difficult to detect until they have grown to a number so large that they become overwhelming to deal with. When they invade, they also tend to congregate near light fixtures and windows during certain parts of the day. The buzzing and tapping sounds that accompany their movements can be quite disturbing, especially for light sleepers.

Because they enjoy so many of the foods we have in our kitchens, they may invade that space, which often results in contaminated food. Produce is especially at risk, and stink bug infestations can often leave fruits and vegetables unsuitable for consumption. Stink bugs can also spread bacteria and pathogens as they move from surface to surface, further increasing the risk of contamination.

What Stink Bug Control Methods Are Available to Me?

Stink bug prevention requires some work on your end. The most important step is to seal up any places that stink bugs may use to their advantage to enter your home, like cracks in doors, windows, and walls. Make sure to dispose of produce promptly and properly. Installing screens on windows and vents can also help, as can using yellow or minimal lighting outdoors.

However, these methods may not be enough, especially if you’re dealing with a heavy infestation. This is where Mosquito Squad’s stink bug control solutions come in handy. We can treat your home with a barrier protection spray that creates a strong layer of defense around your home, with special attention to the places where stink bugs are most likely to enter. The treatment can repel and reduce the stink bug population near your home for up to 21 days per application.

Choose Mosquito Squad Today for Stink Bug Control!

Get started with a free quote by calling us at (434) 226-5530 or contacting us online.