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The Risk of Heartworm and the Role of Mosquito Control in Meriden

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 4, 2023

While we often consider the nuisance of mosquitoes in terms of their impact on our own comfort and health, it's essential to remember they pose a significant risk to our beloved pets too. A mosquito bite might cause little more than an itchy discomfort to a human, but for dogs and cats, the stakes can be much higher – it can result in heartworm, a severe and potentially fatal disease.

Heartworm: A Silent, Deadly Threat to Pets

Heartworm, as the name suggests, is a parasitic worm that lives in the heart and pulmonary arteries of infected animals, primarily dogs, but also cats. These worms can grow up to a foot long and cause damage to the heart, lungs, and arteries. While dogs are a preferred destination for heartworms, cats are not, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t at risk. If a cat has a heartworm infestation, fewer worms can survive within than in a dog. However, even a few worms can be lethal. Heartworm disease in cats is often more severe and has a higher fatality rate than in dogs, due to the cat's smaller body size. Further, there are no approved drugs on the market to treat cats for this condition, another reason why the fatality rate for heartworms in cats is higher.

Meriden Mosquito Control Defends Against the Source of Heartworm

How does heartworm transmission occur? Mosquitoes are the primary culprits. When a mosquito bites an infected animal, it picks up baby worms, which mature into larvae over 10 to 14 days. When the mosquito bites another animal, these larvae enter the new host's bloodstream, growing into adult heartworms over several months.

The Role of Mosquito Control in Meriden for Pet Health

Given the seriousness of heartworm and the role mosquitoes play in its transmission, mosquito control becomes a crucial aspect of pet health. Mosquito Squad of Hartford, with our proven track record in Meriden mosquito control, can provide a robust defense against these pesky invaders. Our professional team can help minimize mosquito populations in your area, disrupting their breeding cycles, and thereby lowering the risk of heartworm transmission.

While our mosquito control services are not a substitute for heartworm prevention medication provided by veterinarians, they complement these medications by adding an extra layer of defense. By reducing mosquito exposure, we can help defend not only you and your family but also your furry friends from the risks posed by these pests. At Mosquito Squad of Hartford, we recognize the important place pets hold in our hearts and our homes. Our mission is to help you create a more comfortable and less mosquito-ridden environment, not only for human inhabitants but also for our cherished pets.

Remember, when we talk about mosquito control, it's not just about human health and comfort - it's about the well-being of our pets, too. When it comes to defending our furry friends, every bit helps, and professional Meriden mosquito control services are a step in the right direction.

Our mosquito barrier treatments are proven to reduce mosquito populations by up to 90% in client properties, providing you with robust defense! Contact Mosquito Squad of Hartford today for Meriden mosquito control that is proven to help defend both humans and pets from the dangers of mosquitoes. Give us a call at (860) 356-3953!

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