Prepare for Mosquito Season in Hartford, CT
Posted by Mosquito Squad
June 14, 2024

In Connecticut, the most active time of the year for mosquito season typically runs from late March through late September, sometimes even extending to early October. Mosquito season begins as soon as the temperature rises 50° F or above, meaning that these pests are most prevalent during late spring, summer, and early fall. A general rule to follow is the hotter and more humid the weather, the more mosquitoes will thrive. Needless to say, mosquito season reaches its peak in Connecticut during the warmest months of July and August.
It is worth noting that mosquitoes generally prefer to be active during the evening/dusk hours when the sun begins to set, and it is warm, damp, and humid outside. During mosquito season, these pests will bite at any time of day, but the likelihood is much higher in the early morning and late evening.
Mosquito Breeding Grounds
Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in any body of standing water they can find. In fact, mosquitoes can breed in as little as a teaspoon of water that has accumulated the necessary warmth from standing for approximately four days. Mosquitoes will lay up to 100 eggs at a time in the spring and summer, and they reproduce quite rapidly.
Common mosquito breeding grounds to be aware of in the Hartford, Connecticut region include ponds, ditches, gutters, drains, birdbaths, rain barrels, plant pot saucers, loose tarps, hollow children’s playground equipment, and other outside toys or tools.
Why Are Mosquitoes Such a Threat?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 50,000 confirmed cases of West Nile Virus have occurred in the United States alone since 2001. More than 2,300 of these cases have proven fatal. Worldwide, mosquitoes kill more humans each year than any other insect or animal on the planet, claiming a whopping 700,000 lives per year. To put this in perspective, some of the most feared snakes kill around 50,000 people worldwide annually.
Human Health
There are more than 150 species of mosquitoes that inhabit the United States, but only a handful of species can transmit illnesses to humans. A few of the dangerous illnesses that mosquitoes spread include but are not limited to: West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, Zika Virus, Chikungunya, and Yellow Fever.
A few commonly experienced symptoms resulting from many mosquito-borne diseases include fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle weakness and aches, neck stiffness, and headaches. In the hours and days following a bite during mosquito season, keep the wound site clean and pay close attention to the physical sensations in your body.
Pet Health
Over 1 million pets in the U.S. alone are estimated to be infected with heartworms, a parasitic infection commonly spread from the bite of a female mosquito. In canines, heartworms can be treated by a veterinarian if symptoms are noticed early enough, but there is no known cure for feline heartworms. Getting your pets on preventative medications and utilizing mosquito control treatment in your outdoor spaces are the best ways to help protect them against these diseases.
How to Prepare for Mosquito Season
Prepare for mosquito season before it hits by giving Mosquito Squad a call and set up your routine mosquito control treatment. We offer barrier spray treatments every three weeks, which reduce up to 85-90% of mosquito populations around your home throughout the peak months of mosquito season. We also offer our tried-and-true traditional barrier spray method as well as a natural alternative blend that uses aromatic ingredients such as essential oils to reduce and repel mosquitoes in your yard.
Our professionals also offer a few key tips and tricks to prepare your yard for the onset of mosquito season.
- Remove all standing water in your outdoor spaces.
- Remove excess grass, leaf piles, firewood, and grass clippings from your yard.
- Flip over, cover, or remove children’s sandboxes, kiddie pools, and birdbaths.
- Remove or tighten loose tarps over woodpiles, boats, or other yard equipment.
- Maintain your gutters, downspouts, and irrigation systems.
Touch base with your neighbors, and team up against mosquito season in any shared spaces between your homes!
Additionally, don’t forget to get in touch with Mosquito Squad of Hartford to get ahead of mosquito season with our effective mosquito control treatments.